Monday, September 28, 2015

Neoliberal Aggression in Britain: Her Majesty’s Police State By Graham Vanbergen

#Putin: Chaos of #Iraq and #Libya Warn Against Western Regime Change in #Syria By Jon Queally

The U.N. Resolution Condemning the US Trade #Embargo on #Cuba By Birsen Filip

America’s Proxy #War in #Syria: Are Washington War Hawks Losing their Grip over Middle East Politics? By Sean Stinson #WarChickenHawks

Rebekah Roth Website #911Deception

I am very excited to present the sequel to Methodical Illusion. 

I am very excited to present the sequel to Methodical Illusion.   The worldwide interest in 9/11 has not only brought me renewed faith but has brought to me Freedom of Information Act data and eyewitnesses.   The Methodical Deception takes off right where Methodical Illusion left off.    The worldwide interest in 9/11 has not only brought me renewed faith but has brought to me Freedom of Information Act data and eyewitnesses.   The Methodical Deception takes off right where Methodical Illusion left off.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015

#GreenParty and #Corbyn extremist politics @chunkymark

The #War Budget The giant millstone of the federal budget by Jason Hirthler

No Brains In Washington by Paul Craig Roberts

Naughteeis Speaks: about #Repugnitrons war on women and Planned Parenthood. Every time it starts getting near election time the #Repugnitrons roll out this #BS about de-funding  Planned Parenthood. Fact: 1. Women that have abortions at Planned Parenthood pay for them themselves, its not taxpayers money. 2.Abortions are only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does for women. #Repugnitrons war on women is the only thing they have different to offer than the Dims. Both the Dims and Repugnitrons do always agree on one thing #war #tyranny #imperialism
David Icke On Jeremy Corbyn, Syria And The Reality Behind The Refugees Crisis And More.

I like this interview but I avoid Icke most of the time because he has some pretty strange meta-physic notions that set off Twilight Zone music in my brain when exposed to it. This interview is rather good though he seems to have toned it down somewhat from what I have seen of him before. 

Austerity is Class War @chunkymark
Jeremy #Corbyn is RIGHT about #9/11

U.S. Doublespeak on #Palestine by Robert Fantina

The New Repression: If Only #Sanders Were More of a #Corbyn and Less of a Clinton by Andrew Levine