Bad Narratives Going Forward in the Age of #Trump by #PaulStreet #RealLeftPolitics
I like Paul Street's work and he is a favorite of mine, but I can only get on board with about 75% of this rant.
I have started to feel that living in cognitive dissonance and retreating to personal affairs and disconnecting from politics and all media is perhaps the way to go. Paul Street thinks otherwise.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Sunday, December 18, 2016
ENJOY 1hr.12min this is a better visual of Warren Haynes Xmas jam The Last Waltz Band - Christmas Jam - FULL SHOW 12/10/16
I had another version posted but the visual and production wasn't as good as this one. these are my favorite musicians all in one place doing this overnight jam session
I had another version posted but the visual and production wasn't as good as this one. these are my favorite musicians all in one place doing this overnight jam session
Friday, December 16, 2016
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
The Empire Has No Clothes: Trump’s Class War Cabinet, the F-Word, and the Coming Resistance by #PaulStreet
Paul Street and Craig Paul Roberts are some of my favorite writers, but I never agree with anyone 100% of the time, I rarely agree more than 80% with anyone or anything, including Paul Street, and Craig Paul Roberts
Paul Street and Craig Paul Roberts are some of my favorite writers, but I never agree with anyone 100% of the time, I rarely agree more than 80% with anyone or anything, including Paul Street, and Craig Paul Roberts
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
Monday, November 28, 2016
Friday, November 25, 2016
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Monday, November 14, 2016
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Friday, November 11, 2016
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Naughteeis Speaks about election 2016 and the new POTUS. #war #tyranny #imperialism
I'm glad to see the Clinton and the Bush Crime Family's both gone and the Drone King Obummer too. I don't have much faith in anything good coming out of DC's spectacle of endless wars, fraud, corruption and abuse of power.
How long before the new POTUS is corrupted by the Deep State and who he surrounds himself with in his new government and what he does the first 100 days is the question. We Will See soon enough.
I'm glad to see the Clinton and the Bush Crime Family's both gone and the Drone King Obummer too. I don't have much faith in anything good coming out of DC's spectacle of endless wars, fraud, corruption and abuse of power.
How long before the new POTUS is corrupted by the Deep State and who he surrounds himself with in his new government and what he does the first 100 days is the question. We Will See soon enough.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Monday, October 31, 2016
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Friday, October 7, 2016
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Monday, October 3, 2016
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Monday, September 19, 2016
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Friday, September 16, 2016
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Monday, September 12, 2016
Four-Person Debates: Clinton, Johnson, Trump, Stein, Why Are Establishment Elites Preventing It We Are Calling for People to Occupy the Debates By Kevin Zeese
I had this posted earlier today and the link broke and nobody told me?? why I'm social you can talk to me, I haven't eaten any small children this week. When a link is broken you need to tell somebody,. got it mutants? smiling
I had this posted earlier today and the link broke and nobody told me?? why I'm social you can talk to me, I haven't eaten any small children this week. When a link is broken you need to tell somebody,. got it mutants? smiling
US #ClusterBombs Kill Children for Decades in Laos, and Now Yemen Does anyone think America is accountable for its own actions? by William Boardman
Without U.S. participation with the Saudis, obummers moral idiocy & hypocrisy would not be causing the War Crimes against Yemen and it's peoples.
Without U.S. participation with the Saudis, obummers moral idiocy & hypocrisy would not be causing the War Crimes against Yemen and it's peoples.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
this will blow your mind 1hr. 14min 9/11 BOMBSHELL: METHODICAL DECEPTION -- Rebekah Roth
there is so much information given out here you can't absorb it the first time around, I have done it three times now over the last year and you gain more and more understanding about it each time
there is so much information given out here you can't absorb it the first time around, I have done it three times now over the last year and you gain more and more understanding about it each time
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Most People Today Want to be Propagandized By Daniel Lattier
Many people have lost or never had an ability of critical free thinking, to challenge the status quo and to question authority's narrative
Many people have lost or never had an ability of critical free thinking, to challenge the status quo and to question authority's narrative
Friday, September 9, 2016
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
Sunday, September 4, 2016
old news no surprises here, move along nothing to see lol #CIA Torture Jet wrecks with 4 Tons of #COCAINE Dec 12, 2007
By redstatehatemonitor
old news no surprises,nothing to see move along,lol Arrest of 4 Mexican Generals linked to downed #CIA drug plane Posted on August 9, 2012 by Daniel Hopsicker
old news no surprises,nothing to see move along,lol Arrest of 4 Mexican Generals linked to downed #CIA drug plane Posted on August 9, 2012 by Daniel Hopsicker
Saturday, September 3, 2016
one of my favorite youtube channels Most Important for joining/forming MAGS, Teams, Community by VikingPreparedness
everyone should be forming a Community Security Committee
everyone should be forming a Community Security Committee
Friday, September 2, 2016
Naughteeis Speaks:Why co-ops are the future of the American economy.
We don't know what it is, but we know something is going on. It's frustrating when we don't understand what's going on in the world we live in, when everything around us just keeps getting worse and worse. I believe the answers for "We the People"are not going to come from electoral politics. Washington's culture of fraud and abuse of power are just too corrupted and great. A few people with good intentions, sometimes, but mostly not; people go to Washington with high ideals and truly want to represent us and to solve problems only to be swallowed up by the vortex of Washington's spectacle of fraud, corruption and abuse of power; then they become the problem. Why we keep electing these millionaires to go to Congress to represent us is beyond my comprehension? It seems like we never learn anything from the folly we bring upon ourselves and we are totally disappointed by the results in Washington over and over again. First you have to know your enemy and the enemy is our own willful ignorance or denial to understand the problem. The institutions that once served us fairly well since the New Deal of FDR no longer do. Top down solutions like crony capitalism are simply just not working for most of us. Outsourcing of jobs overseas by Corporate America has destroyed the Middle Class. We must do an end run around these institutions that no longer serve us and create new ones from the bottom up that will and do work for us. Some solutions in my opinion are to just go back to basics, some basics would be worker owned Co-opts. The above article Why co-ops are the future of the American economy via@Moosehammer
We don't know what it is, but we know something is going on. It's frustrating when we don't understand what's going on in the world we live in, when everything around us just keeps getting worse and worse. I believe the answers for "We the People"are not going to come from electoral politics. Washington's culture of fraud and abuse of power are just too corrupted and great. A few people with good intentions, sometimes, but mostly not; people go to Washington with high ideals and truly want to represent us and to solve problems only to be swallowed up by the vortex of Washington's spectacle of fraud, corruption and abuse of power; then they become the problem. Why we keep electing these millionaires to go to Congress to represent us is beyond my comprehension? It seems like we never learn anything from the folly we bring upon ourselves and we are totally disappointed by the results in Washington over and over again. First you have to know your enemy and the enemy is our own willful ignorance or denial to understand the problem. The institutions that once served us fairly well since the New Deal of FDR no longer do. Top down solutions like crony capitalism are simply just not working for most of us. Outsourcing of jobs overseas by Corporate America has destroyed the Middle Class. We must do an end run around these institutions that no longer serve us and create new ones from the bottom up that will and do work for us. Some solutions in my opinion are to just go back to basics, some basics would be worker owned Co-opts. The above article Why co-ops are the future of the American economy via
Why co-ops are the future of the American economy by Matthew Harwood
Thursday, September 1, 2016
This Rant is a Naughteeis Speaks Obummer oldie but goody; I was in a really foul mood that day. Well anyway here it is again from the past. Sept.27, 2014
Naughteeis Speaks: Obummer acknowledged “We did some things that were wrong.” & “We tortured some folks.”Oh Really!
Obummer says, "We just tortured some folks!" All Casual Like That? I didn't watch his speech at the UN, I can only bare to read him. Just the sight of him makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck when I have to watch him. That's not a recent phenomena, it's been like that for quite a while now. Ever since he sold us out on Single Payer Universal Health Care, instead we got ripped off as usual, this time in the form of that bogus For Profit Healthcare,aka (ObummerCare) I haven't talked to anyone who had Healthcare before ObummerCare that their premiums didn't go up about 25 to 30%. Yes the per-existing conditions previously uninsured are now able to get insurance, and that's a good thing. For those low income per-existing probably made out the best. In my not so humble opinion everyone would have been better off with Single Payer,or something along the lines of Medicare for All or the way the Veterans Administrations Healthcare works. Private for Profit Healthcare is a ripoff. So back to my original rant. I'm wondering about his talk the other night, did he have that, I killed Bin Laden swagger thing going on? The Obummer Bin Laden Faux, I will get into that at another time. Back to this, "We tortured some folks", give me a freaken break mr.president. "JUST TORTURED SOME FOLKS" (sic,sadistic and insensitive to say the least) Obummer has said before, "We are going to bomb some folks and give some other folks some more weapons." #WTF is Cheech and Chong writing this guys speeches again? This is absolutely disgusting and ridiculous and typical Obummer double-speak. His foreign policies are like a schizophrenic game of whack a mole. I'm curious to know when Obummer had his eyes propped open by the CIA, like in Clockwork Orange and was shown the Zapruder Film; because this guy is just Craven - Weak Kneed!, he has absolutely No Moxey or Game at all to stand up to the tyrannical Neo-Cons & Neo Liberal Interventionists who are leftovers from the Little Bush and Darth-Cheney Era that still run the three ring circus in Washington's Culture of Spectacle, Fraud, Corruption and Abuse of Power. Obummer makes good decent folks want to heave to and WEEP. I'm afraid Clinton II is going to be just as bad, if not worse. And last but not least, A- Holes in Washington; "We the People," want to know who the hell those people are that have been doing all this freaken torture business and we want all the names and who authorized it....We want to see the Senate Torture Report released, like pronto and not all redacted and incomprehensible and useless. WE want it and WE want it NOW!! Now that we know beyond a reasonable doubt about these barbaric horrendous techniques, including anal probes, we want to see some prosecutions of these animals or Impeachment Proceedings should start against you mr. president for refusing to prosecute and for dereliction of duty. Until we have a well funded Third Party Movement in this county, I'm afraid nothing meaningful will change, we will keep going from twiddle dee to twiddle dumber over and over again.
Naughteeis Speaks: Washington's Horror of the Two Party Bad Machine; with it's morally bankrupt culture of spectacle, fraud, and abuse of power with perpetual war thrown into the mix will sadly continue on down the road no matter which of the twiddle dee and twiddle dumber, Elected Creeps, fills the seats of Congress in Nov. and 2016.
Naughteeis Speaks: Obummer acknowledged “We did some things that were wrong.” & “We tortured some folks.”Oh Really!
Obummer says, "We just tortured some folks!" All Casual Like That? I didn't watch his speech at the UN, I can only bare to read him. Just the sight of him makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck when I have to watch him. That's not a recent phenomena, it's been like that for quite a while now. Ever since he sold us out on Single Payer Universal Health Care, instead we got ripped off as usual, this time in the form of that bogus For Profit Healthcare,aka (ObummerCare) I haven't talked to anyone who had Healthcare before ObummerCare that their premiums didn't go up about 25 to 30%. Yes the per-existing conditions previously uninsured are now able to get insurance, and that's a good thing. For those low income per-existing probably made out the best. In my not so humble opinion everyone would have been better off with Single Payer,or something along the lines of Medicare for All or the way the Veterans Administrations Healthcare works. Private for Profit Healthcare is a ripoff. So back to my original rant. I'm wondering about his talk the other night, did he have that, I killed Bin Laden swagger thing going on? The Obummer Bin Laden Faux, I will get into that at another time. Back to this, "We tortured some folks", give me a freaken break mr.president. "JUST TORTURED SOME FOLKS" (sic,sadistic and insensitive to say the least) Obummer has said before, "We are going to bomb some folks and give some other folks some more weapons." #WTF is Cheech and Chong writing this guys speeches again? This is absolutely disgusting and ridiculous and typical Obummer double-speak. His foreign policies are like a schizophrenic game of whack a mole. I'm curious to know when Obummer had his eyes propped open by the CIA, like in Clockwork Orange and was shown the Zapruder Film; because this guy is just Craven - Weak Kneed!, he has absolutely No Moxey or Game at all to stand up to the tyrannical Neo-Cons & Neo Liberal Interventionists who are leftovers from the Little Bush and Darth-Cheney Era that still run the three ring circus in Washington's Culture of Spectacle, Fraud, Corruption and Abuse of Power. Obummer makes good decent folks want to heave to and WEEP. I'm afraid Clinton II is going to be just as bad, if not worse. And last but not least, A- Holes in Washington; "We the People," want to know who the hell those people are that have been doing all this freaken torture business and we want all the names and who authorized it....We want to see the Senate Torture Report released, like pronto and not all redacted and incomprehensible and useless. WE want it and WE want it NOW!! Now that we know beyond a reasonable doubt about these barbaric horrendous techniques, including anal probes, we want to see some prosecutions of these animals or Impeachment Proceedings should start against you mr. president for refusing to prosecute and for dereliction of duty. Until we have a well funded Third Party Movement in this county, I'm afraid nothing meaningful will change, we will keep going from twiddle dee to twiddle dumber over and over again.
Naughteeis Speaks: Washington's Horror of the Two Party Bad Machine; with it's morally bankrupt culture of spectacle, fraud, and abuse of power with perpetual war thrown into the mix will sadly continue on down the road no matter which of the twiddle dee and twiddle dumber, Elected Creeps, fills the seats of Congress in Nov. and 2016.
Naughteeis Speaks:on Legal Immigration & Illegal Migration. Sorry but Weak Open Border Controls just aren't making it anymore. I'm not buying it at all. 325 Human Rights, Social
Justice, Faith-Based, Labor, and Immigrant Rights Groups are Calling
for an International Convergence at the U.S./Mexico Border in Oct., right before the 2016 election. First of all I find it hard to believe any Union Labor groups would be supporting this action and I don't believe they really are, this is just more bleeding hearts liberal bull shit wanting to save ever stray dog and cat on the planet, wake up mutants. Here we go again, the Globalist trick of divide and conquer that will cause more racial tension and strife and domestic division. Anyone with two eyes and at least half a working brain can see how the Open Borders Policy is working out in Europe, it's not working well at all, it's been disastrous. Either we have rule of law in this Republic or we don't. We currently have laws on Immigration that need to be enforced, they have absolutely nothing to do with racism, they have to do with basic economics, proportions and common sense. Sovereign Nations have a right and obligation to control their borders and control who enters and resides in their country. It's not olly olly oxen free, if you can make it across the border illegally you're free to stay forever, then make some anchor baby's and get amnesty later down the road, that's NOT how it should work!, this is disastrous and simply not right to allow these people to circumvent the system and go ahead of those Immigrating Legally. First we need to
fix our own foreign policy's of Endless Wars and our propensity to destroy by bombing brown people back into the stone age. These War Crimes that we create make for mass migrations of people to
our borders and beyond. Washington's foreign policy spectacle is like a belligerent drunken sailor on
shore leave intimidating everyone they come into contact with; it's a
disgrace. The #BadMachine is ruled by the sock puppets of the Two Party
Joke. Like Carlin says the masters; the ones who really own this country
the Multi-National global Corporatists, the Zionist Lobbyists, the DeepDeep
Police State and the Military Industrial Complex they call all the shots
for the socks puppets that are put in Washington's Spectacle of
Fraud, Corruption, Tyranny and Abuse of Power, these are the ones who really want Illegal migration to take place to cause strife that divides and conquers by having us at each other throats over the cultural problems created by the cheap labor influx. We can't keep taking in more needy people here, we have half of all Americans currently living in poverty now and the globalists want to bring in more to put even more burden on a system that is only working for the 1%?
I don't consider myself a racist or a bigot but I'm with the donald on this one. Yes the donald is over the top on many things, and just full of baloney on many others. Most Americans whether they say it openly or whisper it to each other in the dark, support him on Immigration and want the borders locked down.
"The general population doesn’t know what’s happening, and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know." -N.Chomsky Then there many who really are tuned in and get it totally. It's my belief that it's best to stop the flow of Illegal Immigration and migration through our weak Southern Borders. We need to start here with a decent living wage for all Americans above the poverty level, not just subsistence living. Is Americans First too Nationalistic? I don't think so. We
don't need more needy here, we already have enough here that need to be elevated above the poverty level. Put those little darlings that are breaking our Immigration Laws
on the Love Boat, after picking them up on the border, give them compassionate medical care, feed them, then redistribute
them back down the coast to were they came from. Does that sound too
harsh?, oh well, but I don't think so. In addition to that, I believe most Americans want to see Immigration
in general slowed down to a tickle, at least until things get better for those already living here. We only want and need the best vetted Immigrates here. Most country's peoples who want to Immigrate here, the best
of the best have already left their country's years ago.
I don't consider myself a racist or a bigot but I'm with the donald on this one. Yes the donald is over the top on many things, and just full of baloney on many others. Most Americans whether they say it openly or whisper it to each other in the dark, support him on Immigration and want the borders locked down.
Trump lays out immigration plan
The Republican nominee abandoned
any pretense of softening his stance on immigration during a fiery
address in Phoenix, Arizona, vowing to deport immigrants in the US
illegally “because that’s what it means to have laws and a country”.
Trump vowed to add 5,000 border control agents and confirmed he would
build a wall with Mexico and deport millions during his “first hour in
office”. Trump’s tone contrasted sharply with a conciliatory position he
offered earlier that day at a meeting in Mexico City with President
Enrique Peña Nieto, at which he described the president’s countrymen as
“amazing people”. Peña Nieto said he had made clear it clear that Mexico would not pay for a border wall
despite Trump’s statement at a press conference after the meeting that
the two did not discuss it. Trump’s hardline stance in Phoenix delighted
core supporters and dismayed his few remaining Latino allies. The Trump
on display in Phoenix was the Trump we already knew, writes Ben Jacobs.
‘No amnesty’: Donald Trump vows to deport millions during ‘first hour in office’
Germans hits the nail on the head about Merkel not consulting with EU neighbors over her open door policy

Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
Aug. 29 2016 article/ #Hillary and the Clinton Foundation: Exemplars of America’s Political Rot #war #tyranny #imperialism #2PartyJoke #Demexit #HillaryForPrison
The #TwoPartyJoke is Washington's Spectacle of #Liars #Fraudsters #war #tyranny #imperialism #torture #DeepPoliceState #NDAA #AbuseOfPower
We must view Dims & Repugnitrons as antagonistic 2 genuine reform & 2 speak 2 them in the language of Revolution ...
Both Major Party's Embrace #war #tyranny #imperialism #torture What Wolin calls #invertedtotalitarianism Inverted_totalitarianism … …Sheldon Wolin political theorist and writer on contemporary politics lived 33miles from me, died at the age of 93. I should be so lucky
A poor child asked me the other day what a #Repugnitron was?So I took away most of his toys and gave them to the rich kids on the next block
2 Party Big Tent,where Debate is Narrow & Limited 2 what they want U 2 think & say,leave the Big Tent & the Morlocks will come take ya away …
The #TwoPartyJoke is Washington's Spectacle of #Liars #Fraudsters #war #tyranny #imperialism #torture #DeepPoliceState #NDAA #AbuseOfPower
We must view Dims & Repugnitrons as antagonistic 2 genuine reform & 2 speak 2 them in the language of Revolution ...
Both Major Party's Embrace #war #tyranny #imperialism #torture What Wolin calls #invertedtotalitarianism
A poor child asked me the other day what a #Repugnitron was?So I took away most of his toys and gave them to the rich kids on the next block
2 Party Big Tent,where Debate is Narrow & Limited 2 what they want U 2 think & say,leave the Big Tent & the Morlocks will come take ya away …
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Saturday, August 27, 2016
I have a VA Choice Card Myself/Making America Pain-Free for Plutocrats and Big Pharma, But Not Vets By Ann Jones
Not all Vets have or get a chance or choice to use the VA Choice Card Program. I have a VA Choice Card Program Card myself and I have been using it for two years, it's been my choice, and I have had over six Specialty Clinic Procedures done on that cards program, three of which were done in the last three months all done with Private Sector Healthcare Providers with the VA Choice Card Program picking up the bill. When you urgently need care and you need it NOW and not at some later date when VA gets around to doing it, VA Choice Card Program is the only way to go. I like it very very much and prefer it over dealing with some of the short comings at VA and some of the attitudes and bed side manner problems I have encountered in the past with some VA staff and VA Specialty Clinics in general. I have another procedure with a hospital stay in 30 days coming up on the same VA Choice Card Program with the private sector doing the work, which is going to be way better than having it done at VA. So you do have a choice and I have made mine.
Not all Vets have or get a chance or choice to use the VA Choice Card Program. I have a VA Choice Card Program Card myself and I have been using it for two years, it's been my choice, and I have had over six Specialty Clinic Procedures done on that cards program, three of which were done in the last three months all done with Private Sector Healthcare Providers with the VA Choice Card Program picking up the bill. When you urgently need care and you need it NOW and not at some later date when VA gets around to doing it, VA Choice Card Program is the only way to go. I like it very very much and prefer it over dealing with some of the short comings at VA and some of the attitudes and bed side manner problems I have encountered in the past with some VA staff and VA Specialty Clinics in general. I have another procedure with a hospital stay in 30 days coming up on the same VA Choice Card Program with the private sector doing the work, which is going to be way better than having it done at VA. So you do have a choice and I have made mine.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Monday, August 22, 2016
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Friday, August 19, 2016
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Monday, August 15, 2016
page has been removed,sorry, that figures after four years long read but excellent #Donald vs. #Hillary: Still Uncertain Election. Both Candidates Remain Unpopular with the Majority of Americans 2016 election cycle Gonorrhea vs the Turd Sandwich #2PartyJoke #Demexit
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Friday, August 5, 2016
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Monday, August 1, 2016
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Bernie Actually Won, Protests Rock DNC & more
You were warned over and over a year ago about the 2 Party Joke, but the naive bernie crowd still fell for bernies social democrat proposed reforms of the system and the corrupt 2 Party Joke. Oh well you have four more years and you can repeat the same spectacle of playing the fool again with the same wasted energy in the electoral process in another 2 Party Joke instead of a 3rd Party challenge to POTUS. Welcome to what the Political Philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls Inverted Totalitarian
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Monday, July 18, 2016
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Friday, July 8, 2016
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Monday, July 4, 2016
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Monday, June 27, 2016
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Friday, June 24, 2016
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Monday, June 20, 2016
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Friday, June 10, 2016
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Friday, June 3, 2016
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Friday, May 20, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Monday, May 16, 2016
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Friday, May 13, 2016
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Duck Rush On The Water... 700+ Ducks & Geese Morning Rush #22
I have been watching this channel 4 years, I'm easily amused with Matt, his dog Dug and the Ducks
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Sunday, May 1, 2016
excellent #JamesPetras is often a long hard read/pres- #obummer-the-race-for-the-imperial-legacy by James Petras
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
Naughteeis Speaks 4/29/2016 I have had it with the United States of Amnesia. I have had it with
multiculturalism, political correctness, identity politics, and a really
lame population that is so gullible, naive and stupid. They are going to get
what they deserve. It's doubtful there will be any meaningful change in my lifetime. I refuse to waste my
time bothering with feel good activism. What did everyone expect from a minimal socialist. Bernie imagines himself a Democratic Socialist, but who is really a New Deal
Social Democrat. POTUS has very little control over domestic politics
that rests mostly with congressional legislation not POTUS. POTUS has
great control over foreign policy. Bernies foreign policy is no
different than the Repugnatrons, with their strategy of tension in world affairs, increasing hegemony, increasing the
size of the empire of chaos,the police state, the destabilization and destruction of nation states who don't follow Washington's spectacle
of corruption, fraud, war, tyranny, imperialism and abuse of power will continue to be marked for regime change, by both major party's.
It's all rigged, end of story. We are going to get what we deserve.
#DeepPoliceState #KentStateMassacre / Media Silence on Kent State Revelations by Bob Fitrakis - Harvey Wasserman
Gov. Rhodes was a establishment puppet.Hoover had him under control with his files on Rhodes ties to organized crime
Gov. Rhodes was a establishment puppet.Hoover had him under control with his files on Rhodes ties to organized crime
as we approach the anniversary of the Kent State Massacre May 4th 1970 during the Vietnam War I will be posting several articles about the anti Vietnam War Movement in general and the GI anti War Movement / The United States of Amnesia let us never forget the GI anti War Movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War /
Kent State Massacre
Kent State Massacre
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Monday, April 25, 2016
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Friday, April 22, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
SoT - Paul Craig Roberts Part 1: The Establishment Can't Control Trump O...
excellent about an hour long three parts
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
As of December 2014, there were 2,186,971 registered voters in Oregon and their political party affiliations were 24% "Non-affiliated"
with any party like myself. Oregonians have until the 26th of April to
change their party affiliations to Dim. so they can vote Dim in a closed
primary. Well the Bern should have thought about that before he decided
to align himself with an establishment party.
- 37.8% Democratic Party
- 29.9% Republican Party
- 24.4% "Non-affiliated" with any party
- 5.0% Independent Party
- 0.8% Libertarian Party
- 0.5% Pacific Green Party
- 1.7% with other political parties
Monday, April 18, 2016
Sunday, April 17, 2016
4/17/2016 Naughteeis Speaks: Why have a Nation State, Globalization, Political Philosophy. I'm not into the ideas of Globalization, a One World
Government, open borders or a EU Army. No Bueno! NATO has outlived it's usefulness
and is now the major belligerent in the world today. I also champion
the ideals of NO RULERS. Sweden started Multiculturism in their immigration policies in the 70's, it's now the rape capital of the world. Mass migration is overwhelming the EU currently and it's safe to say the idea of embracing Multiculturalism is not working out that well these days. I try to explore other paradigms
other than my own preconceived notions and biases. I'm a mixture of
Libertarian Anarchist, then add a little from the right of center and a lot from the left of center, mix it all up and you pretty much have an Independent
Moderate slightly left of center. I'm not in favor of Authoritarian
Nations States with their ''exceptionalism'' and centralized government
with absolute power, because centralized power concentrates corruption,
fraud and abuse of power. I'm more of a limited Nation State kind of guy, with
limited powers and localized State governments taking the lead. State
governments are more en tune with the needs of the people of the Regions
and it's customs and cultures and interests, not like an oppressive
Nation State with their one policy fits all. Example: the East Coast of
the US is completely different from the West Coast in it's cultures and
interests and lifestyles. What works for the East doesn't always work
for the West. I'm down with most of the Libertarian ideals of
voluntarism, the non aggression principles etc etc. including non
aggression principles of parenting, no physical or emotional aggression
of any kind toward your offspring, but I'm not okay with "Social
Darwinism" I believe in a Living Wage, National Healthcare, Unions, Pensions, Medicare, Medicaid, old age Social
Security, Disability Social Security Insurance Benefits and Entitlements
that come with being a Citizen of that said Nation State. In order to have all of that, you need to a least have some limited form of a Nation State to administer it. Let's take these notions about the Nation down to what I like to call "Dog Rhythm" Nation States are nothing more than Glorified Regions. Let's take Glorified Regions down to even a simpler idea, Private Property, the Home and the Sanctity of the Home and your Family. You have Inalienable Rights to protect your Property your Home and your Space, your Family and the interests of your Property. Agree or Not? It's a no brainier, of course you agree. I enjoyed talking with ya all. Having critical thinking skills and dialogue are important.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
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