Sunday, January 31, 2016

The “German Question” Coercive Engineered Migration: Zionism's War on Europe (Part 6 of an 11 Part Series) by Gearóid Ó Colmáin
Hillary’s Corporate Democrats Taking Down Bernie #Sanders by Ralph Nader #Clinton
Quotations From Madame #Hillary by Paul Street
The West Is Reduced To Looting Itself By #PaulCraigRoberts
Western Media Ignores Putin’s Progress in #Syria By Mike Whitney
Paul Craig Roberts on the 9/11 10th Anniversary - GRTV Feature Interview 002
55min Ken OKeefe - deconstructing israel
54mins 9-11 planes pilot: 9-11 was a LIE
this is a newer version with more material and much smoother than his previous stuff 2hrs 44min We Have Been Deceived About 9/11 - Christopher Bollyn

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Naughteeis Speaks about the Global Chaos of #war #tyranny #imperialism

The Central Bankers keep the fraud going year after year and the Feds keep printing more money than the year before to prop up their colossal Ponzi schemes, which is a total fraud on the people. Some people say they never learn anything from their mistakes, I say they have learned well and know exactly what they are doing. The Multi Nationals and Washington's Corrupt Corporate elites in Government refuse to cut back the money spent on military adventures; they spend 54% of the budget towards maintaining the Deep Police State and the (MIC) Military Industrial Complex. Corporate Warfare is Out of Control, and the FREE RIDES keep getting bigger and bigger for those too big to fail institutions. Almost everyone says No More ' Corporate Socialism Bailouts' for the Banksters and Austerity for the rest of us. They keep finding new enemy's to keep their nasty little wars against brown people going, so that the Military Industrial Complex can thrive and keep making record profits year after year. Washington's culture of spectacle, social syphilis, fraud and abuse of power that never listens to anyone but their masters who own this country, the Too Big to Jail, NO I don't think so, enough is enough. Real Capitalism would let the fraudsters fail, crash and burn, that's why the idea of Free Market Capitalism is a total myth. Sooner or later the free ride for them has to end. Washington will keep printing money and keep kicking the can down the road as long as possible while inventing and manufacturing more new enemy's until they can get us back into more major conflicts and Wars to justify their miserable existence, that is what the pivot to Asia is all about. Everywhere we go with our military the blow back is Daesh. (ISIS) grows and festers in the area soon after. Why?  because they hate our freedoms ? (sic) no dummies they hate our asses because of our foreign policy's of world hegemony. Dissolve NATO now! When the Warsaw Pact was dissolved NATO then had outlived its original purpose and now has become the major belligerent in the world. Bring the troops home to within 500 miles of our borders and only use them for defense, not these freaken proxy wars to prop up Israel and the Saudi's and all the other Pipelinnerstan Nations that the CIA have made into theme parks and have installed their own little Puppet Dictators in to serve the Empire. Stop enabling those knuckleheads by giving them more weapons and stop all the Foreign Interventions and Entanglements. It will never happen because those behind the curtain of the bi-partition Deep State pulling all the strings have always had the same plan, the Destabilization of Sovereign Nations of the World. It's the same old game, it's as old as time itself, divide and conquer by creating as much chaos and instability as possible. We keep reinforcing and justifying their hatred for us with our Exceptionalism. I used to work part-time on Weekends after a full-time job too, back in the day when I was in my prime as a Doorman in Clubs, Doorman that's a polite term for Bouncer. I was head Bouncer one of five on duty, once upon a time at the biggest Cowboy Bar in Anchorage Alaska, the Pines, several dance floors and Boxing every Wednesday Night where you were allowed to challenge the Club Boxer, a middle weight Redhead, not me I'm a Heavy Weight Redhead, just saying (smiling) Anyway I don't drink but I like to mingle and I always liked the nightlife, so that was always my paid vehicle for some action on Weekends. Anyway my philosophy when a bar fight would break out, I would never step in immediately I would let them go at it for a little bit until they started running out of gas, you could almost see it in their eyes that they almost wished some one would stop them at that point and end it, then I would break it up and put them outside. My world philosophy is somewhat the same, these mutants are always going to fight, that's what they have always done, it's just what it is, let them fight, let them fight until they thin out the herd, but you and I should mind our own business and just let them poke each others eyes out with sticks instead of giving them more weapons of war, if we don't enable them sooner or later they will run out of gas or (oil) (smiling), either that or kill each other off completely. Although Washington is the most active and largest with their manufacturing of weapons of destruction and distribution of these weapons around the world, the UK, France, Germany and Russia all arm the world with their modern weapons too. I was reading last week about Daesh had just massacred another 300 people, mostly women and children and elders. Daesh are quite the warriors (sic) Our government is the perfect definition of insanity. They keep repeating their same old game over and over again hoping for more chaos, death and destruction than the time before, it's freaken madness. The Israeli Government needs to be told to fuck off, and the Saudi Government needs to told to fuck off too. Anybody with a few brain cells left knows that ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. When are we going to let the cards fall as they may and let them kill each other off on their own. We need to come home and mind our own business, but we won't. I forgot we have nothing to come home too, no real manufacturing businesses left they all moved abroad because they don't want to pay their fair share of taxes and the labor costs are much cheaper in third world nations, in addition to no environmental regulations. The masters don't want a Unionized Healthy Middle Class, that's not in the masters best interest, a Middle Class that doesn't have to scramble daily for crumbs is not what the masters want. Not everyone can or wants to go to College nor should they, so what else is there for them? Low paying Service Sector jobs and Manufacturing Jobs, at least we should be making what we use here. The ones who own this country, the ones who really run this country, the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and the Deep Police State (DPS) hiding behind the curtain of Government with the Central Banksters and the Multinationals have ruined this country with their greed, and they are coming to a town and country near you. You know I'm right. good night. Stay Strong Resist #War #Tyranny #Imperialism and let's please stop rectal feeding these prisoners of war that we still have locked up for more than fourteen years now with no due process of law. If you don't think rectal feeding is torture please tell me what is? I'm so sick of this Tyranny and Torture stuff, If you think Torture stopped with "the Dick" cheney and little bush "the Decider" you're naive. dick and little bush will celebrate Human Rights Day together rectal feeding each other.
Why We Must Reject the Dogma of Religious Frauds and Find Our Own Truth Many of those claiming to be speaking for God have little patience for people who want to figure out for themselves what life is about. By Daniele Bolelli / Red Wheel/Weiser
You Have Now Landed in Geneva, #Syria By Pepe Escobar stay strong Resist #war #tyranny #imperialism
War on Yemen Saudi Arabia GCC and Egypt Declare War on #Yemen by Hugo Turner stay strong Resist #war #tyranny #imperialism

Friday, January 29, 2016

ex-military understand these basic truths best, it is what it is / Finicum death - the way things ARE 

I subscribe to Pastor Joe Fox's YouTube channel. He is retired ex Special Forces I have a lot of respect for most of his opinions, except religious dogma. I relate best to ex-Army because I'm ex Army too, funny how that works.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

mostly gray, not a black and white issue #OregonStandoff: one dead after Ammon Bundy and others arrested   

these are NOT Oregon Militia they are all outsiders from out of state. The Bundy's are Militant Mormon Extremists who believe in the Mormon ''White Horse Prophecy"

 All of this has it's roots in the Wise Movement and the Sagebrush Rebellion and Mormon Extremist White Horse Prophecy all of this has been going on for over a hundred years.

I too was a rural land owner in NV I had a 40 acre parcel which I just Quit Claimed over to my two daughters last week. This parcel in the upper most NE is almost in ID and almost in UT is surrounded by Federal, Railroad, Private and the last largest working cowboy ranch left in the West. I understand better than most about what's going on here in Oregon. I also understand Mormon Culture better than most, I lived almost 25yrs there and raised my kids there.

This conflict is the wrong time, wrong issue, and is causing a lot of hard feelings. This is not a black and white issue, it's mostly gray.
#Malheur National Wildlife Refuge #OregonStandoff spokesman Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum killed, Bundys in custody after shooting near Burns #WhiteHorseProphecy #MormonProphecy

 All of this has it's roots in the Wise Movement and the Sagebrush Rebellion and Mormon Extremist White Horse Prophecy

For those of you who don't know it: the Bundy's are Militant Mormon Extremists who believe in the Joseph Smith/Prophecy #WhiteHorseProphecy #MormonProphecy

Sunday, January 24, 2016

lets check out the Winter Duck Adventure with Matt and his dog Dug: Cheap Chinese Junk Died I'm a simpleton I have watching them for years I'm easily amused by animals Matt has an electric bill in the winter average $700 Canadian if you have some extra scratch $$ please donate and share the videos ever little bit helps
Joseph Smith/Prophecies/White Horse prophecy #MormonProphecy
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service confirmed that this road within the refuge complex is new construction.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service confirmed that this road within the refuge complex is new construction.
Amanda Peacher/OPB
The armed occupiers of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge continue to use government equipment inside the complex. One militant, who refused to give his name, again plowed dirt with a refuge bulldozer Wednesday. He wouldn’t say why he was operating the machinery, but in several places, sagebrush and vegetation had been newly removed, leaving wide patches of bare mud within the complex.
The new road connects a bunkhouse with another road.
When asked about the construction, the militant claimed that the road was already there, and that militants had only removed snow from the path.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says these fence posts were newly removed since the occupation. The road now cuts through the previously fenced area.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says these fence posts were newly removed since the occupation. The road now cuts through the previously fenced area.
Amanda Peacher/OPB
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service confirmed Thursday that not only is the road built last week by the occupiers new, but it is also within an archaeological site important to the Burns Paiute Tribe. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service assistant director of external affairs, Jason Holm, condemned the militants last week for what he called “disgusting, ghoulish behavior.”
They removed part of a fence to create the short access road.
That fence was in place “as a deterrent to keep fire crews from driving across the archaeological site,” said Holm.
It appears militants moved rocks from an existing gravel pile in the compound to surface the road.
“It was just a goat trail before,” one militant told OPB, who also declined to provide his name. “People were slipping and falling.”
Rocks used to surface the newly constructed road within the refuge appear to have been moved from a stockpile onsite.
Rocks used to surface the newly constructed road within the refuge appear to have been moved from a stockpile onsite.
Amanda Peacher/OPB

Kevin Foerster, the agency’s Pacific region chief, also denounced the construction. “There’s a reason why there’s not a road there,” said Foerster. “If there was a need for a road in that particular location, we would have over the past 108 years put a road in that location.”
The agency said the action is likely a violation of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, also known as the ARPA.
“Even disturbing 3 to 4 inches on the surface is an ARPA violation,” said Holm. “Investigators will have to excavate to determine depth of disturbance in several areas to understand the extent of the damage.”

Oregon's Land Dispute: Who Are the Original Owners?

Oregon's Land Dispute: Who Are the Original Owners?: The armed militia occupation of Native land in Oregon reveals the living history of genocide and land theft against Native Americans.

 All of this has it's roots in the Wise Movement and the Sagebrush Rebellion and Mormon Extremist White Horse Prophecy

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Jesse Ventura and Ben Swann: It’s Time to End the War on Drugs
0:01 / 7:55 The Paris Attacks Are Just The Beginning StormCloudsGathering 
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Economic Panic? No. “All Is Well” Says Obummer" - (1/13/16)
I'm a simpleton I have been watching Matt and Dug for years Winter Duck Adventure 50 Ducks In A Hot Tub        don't forget to like the video and share it with your friends
Is Sanders a Political Rebel? by Dave Lindorff
With the Specter of Clinton Looming: Rethinking Bernie by Andrew Levine
Martin Luther King: The Saint Honored by the Government that Shot Him in the Face … A “Forgotten” Extrajudicial Political Assassination [?] Written on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, By Graeme MacQueen
The Left and Violence in #Syria The Imperialist Violence in Syria, Part 7 of 7 by Kim Petersen and B.J. Sabri #war #tyranny #imperialism
Nonpartisan Media Power On the Seventh Point of the #MontOrder by L'Ordre #war #tyranny #imperialism
The New York Times‘s Double Standard on Iran’s Nuclear Program by Matt Peppe #war #tyranny #imperialism