1:52 min Ken O’Keefe in Berkeley - March 2016 - "Jewish Power" & World Citizen Solutions #VFP #OATH #war #tyranny #imperialism
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
Naughteeis Speaks 4/29/2016 I have had it with the United States of Amnesia. I have had it with
multiculturalism, political correctness, identity politics, and a really
lame population that is so gullible, naive and stupid. They are going to get
what they deserve. It's doubtful there will be any meaningful change in my lifetime. I refuse to waste my
time bothering with feel good activism. What did everyone expect from a minimal socialist. Bernie imagines himself a Democratic Socialist, but who is really a New Deal
Social Democrat. POTUS has very little control over domestic politics
that rests mostly with congressional legislation not POTUS. POTUS has
great control over foreign policy. Bernies foreign policy is no
different than the Repugnatrons, with their strategy of tension in world affairs, increasing hegemony, increasing the
size of the empire of chaos,the police state, the destabilization and destruction of nation states who don't follow Washington's spectacle
of corruption, fraud, war, tyranny, imperialism and abuse of power will continue to be marked for regime change, by both major party's.
It's all rigged, end of story. We are going to get what we deserve.
#DeepPoliceState #KentStateMassacre / Media Silence on Kent State Revelations by Bob Fitrakis - Harvey Wasserman
Gov. Rhodes was a establishment puppet.Hoover had him under control with his files on Rhodes ties to organized crime
Gov. Rhodes was a establishment puppet.Hoover had him under control with his files on Rhodes ties to organized crime
as we approach the anniversary of the Kent State Massacre May 4th 1970 during the Vietnam War I will be posting several articles about the anti Vietnam War Movement in general and the GI anti War Movement / The United States of Amnesia let us never forget the GI anti War Movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War /
Kent State Massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings
Kent State Massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Monday, April 25, 2016
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Friday, April 22, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
SoT - Paul Craig Roberts Part 1: The Establishment Can't Control Trump O...
excellent about an hour long three parts
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
As of December 2014, there were 2,186,971 registered voters in Oregon and their political party affiliations were 24% "Non-affiliated"
with any party like myself. Oregonians have until the 26th of April to
change their party affiliations to Dim. so they can vote Dim in a closed
primary. Well the Bern should have thought about that before he decided
to align himself with an establishment party.
- 37.8% Democratic Party
- 29.9% Republican Party
- 24.4% "Non-affiliated" with any party
- 5.0% Independent Party
- 0.8% Libertarian Party
- 0.5% Pacific Green Party
- 1.7% with other political parties
Monday, April 18, 2016
Sunday, April 17, 2016
4/17/2016 Naughteeis Speaks: Why have a Nation State, Globalization, Political Philosophy. I'm not into the ideas of Globalization, a One World
Government, open borders or a EU Army. No Bueno! NATO has outlived it's usefulness
and is now the major belligerent in the world today. I also champion
the ideals of NO RULERS. Sweden started Multiculturism in their immigration policies in the 70's, it's now the rape capital of the world. Mass migration is overwhelming the EU currently and it's safe to say the idea of embracing Multiculturalism is not working out that well these days. I try to explore other paradigms
other than my own preconceived notions and biases. I'm a mixture of
Libertarian Anarchist, then add a little from the right of center and a lot from the left of center, mix it all up and you pretty much have an Independent
Moderate slightly left of center. I'm not in favor of Authoritarian
Nations States with their ''exceptionalism'' and centralized government
with absolute power, because centralized power concentrates corruption,
fraud and abuse of power. I'm more of a limited Nation State kind of guy, with
limited powers and localized State governments taking the lead. State
governments are more en tune with the needs of the people of the Regions
and it's customs and cultures and interests, not like an oppressive
Nation State with their one policy fits all. Example: the East Coast of
the US is completely different from the West Coast in it's cultures and
interests and lifestyles. What works for the East doesn't always work
for the West. I'm down with most of the Libertarian ideals of
voluntarism, the non aggression principles etc etc. including non
aggression principles of parenting, no physical or emotional aggression
of any kind toward your offspring, but I'm not okay with "Social
Darwinism" I believe in a Living Wage, National Healthcare, Unions, Pensions, Medicare, Medicaid, old age Social
Security, Disability Social Security Insurance Benefits and Entitlements
that come with being a Citizen of that said Nation State. In order to have all of that, you need to a least have some limited form of a Nation State to administer it. Let's take these notions about the Nation down to what I like to call "Dog Rhythm" Nation States are nothing more than Glorified Regions. Let's take Glorified Regions down to even a simpler idea, Private Property, the Home and the Sanctity of the Home and your Family. You have Inalienable Rights to protect your Property your Home and your Space, your Family and the interests of your Property. Agree or Not? It's a no brainier, of course you agree. I enjoyed talking with ya all. Having critical thinking skills and dialogue are important.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Friday, April 15, 2016
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Monday, April 11, 2016
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Friday, April 8, 2016
this is obscene / Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs |
BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for March 2016by Christian Sorensen |
DOD spent $23,512,565,000+ on 327 individual contracts during March 2016
Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $23,512,565,000 on 327
individual contracts during March 2016. This amount does not include 13
Foreign Military Sales contracts worth $313,404,000.
FOREIGN MILITARY SALES (FMS) – Through FMS, the U.S. government procures and transfers materiel to allied nations and international organizations.
AM General received $10,402,481 to provide Iraq with HMMWV.
BAE Systems received $8,085,613 to upgrade Taiwan’s
Air Force ALR-56M Line Replaceable Unit 5 Analysis Processor to the new
configuration required for compatibility with the F-16 Taiwan retrofit
program. This is a sole-source acquisition.
Harper Construction Co. received $25,074,304 to repair and build Joint Strike Force FMS building at Naval Base Ventura County (Point Mugu, CA).
Harris Corp. received $20,116,679 to provide Morocco, Kuwait, and Qatar
with radios, spares, installation kits, and continental U.S. unit-level
test equipment training. One bid solicited, one received.
L-3 Communications received $36,300,000 to provide Taiwan
with F-16 A/B Block 20 mission training center (includes hardware,
spares, and initial software development). This is a sole-source
Lockheed Martin received $92,419,070 for C-130J production for Israel.
LOC Performance received $15,672,216 to provide Morocco with M1A1 track and road wheels and associated components. One bid solicited, one received.
Navistar Defense received $8,311,516 to provide Iraq with 46 medium tactical vehicles in two variations. One bid solicited, one received.
Raytheon received $13,846,183 for materials & services for Jordan’s Armed Forces Automated Command & Control (J4ISR-C2) Tactical System (JCTS) project.
Raytheon received $14,053,986 for material, parts, assembly, testing, and delivery of RAM Block 2 MK 44 Mod 4 guided missile round packs to Japan. This was not competitively procured, per 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(4).
Textron (Bell) received $18,935,563 to provide Lebanon three UH-1H.
Tower Industries Inc. received $38,365,882 for iron practice bombs FMS (Canada, Taiwan).
Wyle (CAS) received $11,821,010 for FMS (Egypt, Taiwan, UAE, Mexico, Colombia, Jordan, Brazil, Tunisia, Sweden, Slovakia) labor hours and travel supporting the Utility Helicopter Project Office.
Boeing (Insitu) received $10,056,486 for interim contractor services (logistics, training, data reporting field service rep) in support of RQ-21A Blackjack. This was not competitively procured, per FAR 6.302-1.
Boeing received $34,398,802 to provide 30 QF-16 (lot 4) and 30 associated 4-year warranties for QF-16 drone-peculiar equipment.
General Atomics received $53,825,727 for MQ-9 Hybrid Release 1 integration. This is a sole-source acquisition.
Northrop Grumman received
$7,280,560 to support MQ-8 systems (software verification &
regression; cybersecurity; dynamic interface; requirements) in
preparation for initial operational test and evaluation.
Block 30I to Block 30M.
URS received $21,713,648 for program management services in support of the Broad Area Maritime Surveillance-Demonstrator (BAMS-D) Program Office.
Taft Broadcasting Company received $16,472,869 for on-site broadcast operation support for AFN – Broadcast Center located at the Defense Media Activity (DMA) in Riverside, CA.
Cubic Global Defense received $9,911,524 to operate the Korea Battle Simulation Center in South Korea.
DynCorp received $9,259,344 and received $65,681,837 for aviation field maintenance services in Afghanistan.
DynCorp International received $22,500,000 for personnel support services for DOD employees, contractor personnel, and their dependents assigned to Egypt,
in the greater Cairo area and remote locations. These U.S. personnel
support various FMS programs on behalf of the Egyptian military. This
contract involves unspecified FMS to Egypt. This is a sole-source
EXP Federal Inc. received
$7,954,992 for electrical safety assessments, repairs, material
management, and control services within USCENTCOM (specifically Kuwait,
Jordan, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain).
General Dynamics received
$12,943,157 for admin, IT engineering and logistics to the 160th Signal
Brigade and subordinate battalions in USCENTCOM (specifically in
Kuwait, Qatar, Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan).
Northrup Grumman received $24,541,711 to “sustain contingency operations.” One bid solicited, one received. Work in Huntsville, AL; Afghanistan; and Egypt.
Readiness Management Support received $16,721,185 for aviation command & control operations and maintenance services in AFCENT.
Vectrus Systems Corp. received $22,409,044 for base maintenance and operations services supporting Operation Inherent Resolve contingency personnel surge at Incirlik AB.
Vectrus Systems Corp. received $329,418,640 for Kuwait base operations and security support.
CACI received $179,859,727 for Joint Geospatial Analytical Support Services in support of USSOCOM.
Raytheon received
$47,000,000 for the AN/ZSQ-2 FLIR and Electro-Optical Sensor System for
USSOCOM Technology Applications Program Office. This was
non-competitive, per FAR 6.302-1.
Rockwell Collins received
$41,285,000 to provide non-recurring engineering and video processing
module for USSOCOM Technology Applications Program Office. This was
non-competitive, per FAR 6.302-1.
Wing Inflatables received $25,686,244 for combat rubber raiding craft and hard floors in support of the Special Warfare System.
Zero Point; The Ascendancy Group; Hager; R3; and 6 Fathoms received
a shared $9,900,000 for Naval Special Warfare subject matter expertise
for operational & technical test and evaluation support.
Aurora Flight Sciences received $89,444,166 for Phases II & III of DARPA’s VTOL X-plane research portfolio.
System High Corp. received
$21,035,502 for work on DARPA’s Security & Intelligence Directorate
Systems Engineering & Technical Assistance (SETA) Support program.
Case Western Reserve University received
$8,444,287 for DARPA R&D (electronics & algorithms; electronics
& packaging; human testing) technological developments, and
functional investigations aiming to restore dexterous, intuitive motor
function and cutaneous and proprioceptive sensory function after hand
The Center for Naval Analyses Corp. (CNA) received
$104,700,857 for OPNAV (N81B), Assessment Division to provide
Department of Navy (DON) with a source of applied research and analyses
focused upon major present and future needs and issues of the USN/USMC.
CNA will also maintain programs to assign professional staff members to
various senior DON officials and to field locations.
Draper Lab received $25,250,261 for Controlled Technical Services (CTS) for NSWC Dahlgren.
CTS develops miniaturized multi-chip processors and related
technologies, while maintaining system functionality. This was not
competitively procured [sole-source, per FAR 6.302-1(a)(2)(iii)].
Draper Laboratory received $163,560,633 for Trident (D5)
MK 6 guidance system production with failure verification, test, repair
and recertification of inertial measurement units, electronic
assemblies, and electronic modules. This is a sole-source acquisition,
per 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) & (4).
University of Delaware received
$14,994,756 for a DARPA research project under the Tailorable Feedback
and Forming (TFF) Program, which aims to manufacture small (less than 20
lbs.) composite parts at competitive costs using new composite
materials and novel configurations.
Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) received
$84,538,427 for C4I and cyberspace technology research. This was a
sole-source acquisition, per 10 U.S.C. 2304 (c)(3), FAR subpart 6.302-3.
Georgia Tech received
$22,306,013 for work on design, development, modification, assessment,
and testing of integrated electronics systems, sensors, weapon systems,
communications and information infrastructure for Army Space &
Missile Defense Command (SMDC), Huntsville, AL.
Georgia Tech received
$134,000,000 for R&D, engineering; state of-the-art and
proof-of-concept sensor systems; and basic and advanced technology
R&D for MDA. One offer solicited, one received.
RAND Corp. received
$231,300,000 to complete research studies and analyses to address air,
space and cyber power requirements for USAF focusing on strategy and
doctrine; force modernization and employment; manpower, personnel, and
training; resource management and USAF-wide research integration. This
is a sole-source acquisition.
Scitor Corp. received $7,400,000 for human identification research technology assessment at Research Triangle Park (RTP).
Utah State University received
$49,000,000 for R&D to maintain essential engineering, research and
development capability in: sensor development, image processing, and
data analysis. This is a sole-source acquisition.
University of Washington received
$29,371,134 for scientific and engineering support services for
design-upgrade of AN/BQH-9(V) signal data recording set and tape
processing system. This was procured on a sole-source basis, per 10 U.S.
Code 2304(c)(1) and as implemented by FAR 6.302-1.
Lockheed Martin received
$9,239,696 for JSF Windows 7 upgrade in test product stations for USAF
($4,619,848; 50%); USMC ($2,309,924; 25%); USN ($2,309,924; 25%).
Lockheed Martin received
$18,510,667 to help develop Block 4 System Functional Review in support
of F-35A/B/C for USAF ($7,401,532; 40%); USN ($3,700,539; 19.5%); USMC
($3,700,539; 19.5%); international partners ($3,708,057; 21%).
Lockheed Martin received
$66,222,453 for design, development, fabrication, integration,
delivery, installation, and testing of technical solution to enable full
interoperability of Distributed Mission Training capability for F-35.
Lockheed Martin received
$179,916,000 for advance procurement of long lead-time materials,
parts, components, and effort to maintain the planned production
schedule for LRIP Lot 11 F-35. This also increases aircraft # that LRIP
11 AAC supports for USAF by 15 F-35A variant and USMC by 10 F-35B
Rockwell Collins received $9,949,996 for 14 visual display systems for F-35 Joint Simulation Environment Program.
Lockheed Martin received
$16,700,000 to incorporate an unpriced change order for mitigation of
the common integrated processor multi-chip modules diminishing
manufacturing sources and material shortages issue. Lockheed Martin received $14,751,859 for F-22 trainer sustainment. Lockheed Martin received $10,715,765 to relocate F-22 Avionics Integration Laboratory (AIL) Split Line to the Ogden Air Logistics Complex.
Bell-Boeing JPO received
$151,274,907 for non-recurring engineering services to help develop
capabilities (extended range, high frequency beyond line-of-sight radio
and a public address system) for U.S. Navy variant of V-22 (CMV-22B) to perform the carrier on-board delivery mission.
Boeing received $9,062,408 for two A-Kits and two mechanisms in support of 16 full-rate production lot III P-8A.
Boeing received $9,335,027 for engineering services and supplies to update P-8A flight simulators.
Industrial Automation Inc. received
$9,186,110 for P-8A support equipment to U.S. Navy (217 items at
$5,392,463; 58.7%) & Australia (200 items at $3,793,647; 41.3%).
Boeing received $896,929,889 for CH-47F multiyear production lot 14 (27 renew helicopters and 12 new-build helicopters).
Boeing received $184,930,000 for Apache full-rate production in Lot 7. One bid solicited, one received. Boeing received $37,793,822 to continue AH-64 Performance Based Logistics program.
Canadian Commercial Corp. received $8,984,736 for depot-level repair of control indicators for HH-60G. This is a sole-source acquisition.
L-3 received $11,402,168 for eight AN/SRQ-4 [PDF] Common Data Link Hawklink systems in support of the MH-60R and Fire Scout programs.
Lockheed Martin (Sikorsky) received $387,181,200 for 35 UH-60M helicopters.
Lockheed Martin (Sikorsky) received $42,281,000 to add FY2017 advance procurement funding for planned procurement of 21 UH-60M and 15 HH-60M.
Textron (Bell) received
$55,927,999 for long-lead parts and components to manufacture and
deliver 24 Lot 14 AH-1Z. This was not competitively procured, per FAR
Textron (Bell) received $461,142,760 to definitize manufacture/delivery of 12 Lot 13 UH-1Y, 16 Lot 13 AH-1Z, and 16 auxiliary fuel kits.
Boeing received
$9,085,765 for two flight critical engineering change proposals that
address fracture critical and maintenance critical areas in support of
the F/A-18A-D service life extension program (Phase C2).
Boeing received $11,635,148 for radomes for F/A-18. This was a sole-source acquisition, per 10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1).
Canadian Commercial Corp. received $8,495,844 for depot level repair support of F404 exhaust frames and commercial asset visibility reporting requirements.
Elbit Systems (EFW Inc.) received $24,996,015 for Heads-Up Tracking Systems components. One bid solicited, one received.
General Electric received
$31,590,977 for 240 retrofit kit parts to modify the G3 generator
converter units (GCU) to G4 GCUs; four G4 GCU test units; and four field
service representatives in support of F/A-18.
Harris Corp. (Exelis Inc.) received $88,333,440 for 48 full-rate production lot 13 integrated defensive electronic countermeasures AN/ALQ-214(V)4/5 onboard jammer systems in support of U.S. Navy’s F/A-18C/D/EF.
Northrop Grumman received $70,288,310 and Raytheon received $60,000,000 for radar risk reduction efforts intended for JSTARS Recapitalization program. These are sole-source acquisitions.
Solpac Construction Inc. received $18,522,000 for hangar renovations and additions at Naval Base Ventura County (includes additions for SCIF criteria in support Hawkeye requirements).
Aero Components; Honeycomb Co. of America; and Top Flight Aerostructures each received $10,000,000 for various honeycomb panels for C-5.
Lockheed Martin received $1,527,352,469 to fully fund/subsume advance procurement funding for long-lead items associated with 28 fiscal 2016 C-130J.
Lockheed Martin received
$106,000,000 for C-130J multi-year production: long lead efforts
associated with 11 FY2017 C-130J configurations (two C-130J-30, three
HC-130J, five MC-130J, one KC-130J).
Standard Aero Inc. received $43,232,559 to overhaul and repair T56-A-15 Series 3.0 engine compressor and turbine for LC-130H.
Lockheed Martin received $16,948,420 to relocate existing USMC KC-130J Weapon System Trainer #3 (from MCAS Futenma, Okinawa, to MCAS Iwakuni).
Northrop Grumman received $44,708,069 for KC-10 contractor logistics support.
Rockwell Collins received $28,000,000 for C/KC-135 avionics sustaining engineering services. This is a sole-source acquisition.
Ross Group Construction Corp. received $9,290,840 for a KC-46A formal training unit add-on alteration fuel system maintenance dock, Hanger 518, Altus AFB.
AAR Defense Systems & Logistics received $104,970,967 for contractor logistics support, including commercial depot support and site support for C-40A.
Boeing received $319,007,670 for C-32/C-40 contractor logistics support.
EFW Inc. received $24,996,015 for heads-up tracking systems components, various parts and quantities.
Gulfstream received $91,900,000 for one Gulfstream G-550 Green with Airborne Early Warning air vehicle modifications. This was not competitively procured, per 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1).
Rockwell Collins Inc. received $25,350,325 for 325 AN/ARC-210 radios for domestic aircraft.
SAIC received $7,399,599 for field service representative support for aviation mission planning software.
Sierra Nevada received $24,608,390 for precision strike package maintenance on twelve AC-130W at Eglin and Hurlburt AFB. Sole-source acquisition.
Teledyne Instruments received $7,986,717 for radio frequency cables for USAF.
Textron (Beechcraft) received $32,387,988 for contractor logistics support, basic life support, tech refresh for modems, and scorpion ground stations.
Newbegin Enterprises Inc. received $15,000,000 for an Internet-based parts store, which will provide vehicle parts for deployed USAF vehicles.
Northrop Grumman received $39,831,599 for depot maintenance on 44 USN & USMC Reserve F-5N/F.
PAE Aviation & Technical Services received $7,042,148 for backshop maintenance on 37 aircraft (F-15, F-16, A-10, C-130, UN-1N) and engines in support of 96th Test Wing and 53rd Wing. This is a sole-source acquisition.
PRC-Desoto International Inc. received $26,000,000 for military jet sealing compound. This was a sole-source acquisition, per 10 U.S.C. 2304 (c)(1).
Rolls-Royce received
$47,515,467 for roughly 37,015 flight hours of intermediate,
depot-level maintenance, and related logistics for approximately 223
in-service T-45 F405-RR-401 Adour engines.
URS Federal Services Inc. received $35,408,531 for contractor logistics support (sustainment & engineering) on Air National Guard's fleet of eleven C-26 aircraft. This is a sole-source acquisition.
Boeing received $18,405,995 for DO-160G Tri-band radomes and mounting rings, and installation and integration on C-17A. One bid solicited, one received.
Armtec Countermeasures received $9,074,846 to replenish MJU-53/B infrared countermeasure flares.
Lockheed Martin received
$10,608,799 for work associated with the multispectral electro-optic
infrared (EO/IR) countermeasures for advanced threats function of the
combined EO/IR surveillance and response system.
United States Technologies Inc. (UST) received
$16,428,130 for hardware and services [one First Article Radio
Frequency Module #1 MD-1360/ULQ-21(V); one First Article Radio Frequency
Module #2 MD-1367/ULQ-21(V); 300 Production Radio Frequency Module #1
MD-1360/ULQ-21(V); 180 Radio Frequency Module #2
MD-1367/ULQ-21(V); teardown & evaluations; repairs; modifications;
repair/materials; tech data in support of test, eval & training] in
support of Airborne Threat Simulation programs for USAF.
Lockheed Martin received $10,700,569 for additional Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense 4.X ship installations.
Lockheed Martin received $41,459,691 for AEGIS Weapon System MK 7 ship set and associated special tooling/special test equipment.
Lockheed Martin received
$197,578,594 for Aegis combat system engineering agent efforts for
design through delivery of computer program baselines and technology
insertion hardware design support for next advanced capability build.
SAIC received
$7,796,002 for engineering support services in support of PEO for
Integrated Warfare Systems 1.0 for AEGIS/AEGIS Fleet Readiness, 4.0
Foreign Military Sales, 7.0 Future Combat Systems, and 9.0 DDG 1000 for
USN (94%); Japan (2%); Australia (1%); South Korea (1%); Spain (1%); Norway (0.5%); Egypt (0.1%); Poland (0.1%); Turkey (0.1%); Chile (0.1%); Italy (0.1%).
Atlas North America LLC received $11,168,512 to provide ATLAS Seafox explosive and inert neutralizer rounds and AN/SLQ-60
Shipboard Mine Neutralization System, engineering services, and
support. 60% work in Bremen, Germany. This was not competitively
procured, per FAR 6.302-1(a)(2)(ii)(B).
Austal USA received $564,000,000 to build one FY2016 Independence-variant LCS 26.
Austal USA received $14,656,227 for post-delivery support of littoral combat ships USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS 10) and USS Omaha (LCS 12).
Austal USA received $13,974,187 for special studies, analyses and review efforts for the Littoral Combat Ship Program Office, PMS 501.
Computer Sciences Corp. received
$10,198,964 for professional services in support of LCS Program Office,
and the LCS Fleet Introduction and Sustainment Program Office.
General Dynamics received
$24,843,074 for FY2015 & FY2016 production of five MK 46 Gun Weapon
Systems (GWS) for LCS and two for San Antonio Class Landing Platform
Dock (LPD 28).
Lockheed Martin received $564,000,000 for construction of one fiscal 2016 Freedom-variant LCS 25.
Lockheed Martin received $14,977,352 for engineering and management services for advance planning & design on USS Detroit (LCS-7) post shakedown availability.
Northrop Grumman received $8,413,214 for retrofit kits for Airborne Laser Mine Detection Systems in support of PEO Littoral Combat Ships.
Northrop Grumman received
$11,474,244 to provide mission module production containers and support
equipment that will deploy from and integrate with LCS, in support of
the LCS mission modules. This was not competitively procured, per FAR
BAE Systems received $14,083,000 for USS Preble (DDG-88) selected restricted availability (SRA). Repair consists of 104 work items.
BAE Systems received $28,243,900 for USS Higgins (DDG 76) FY2016 SRA.
BAE Systems received $47,282,674 for USS Cowpens (CG 63) fiscal 2016 special SRA.
BAE Systems; Continental Maritime of San Diego; and General Dynamics received
an undisclosed sum to provide complex emergent and continuous
maintenance and Chief of Naval Operations availabilities on surface
ships and San Diego, homeport ships, including surface combatants (DDG
and CG) class ships and amphibious (LSD, LPD, LHA, and LHD) class ships.
CACI received
$11,882,631 for continued professional support services in support of
naval shipyards fleet maintenance and modernization workload
requirements. This was not competitively procured, per 10.U.S. Code
Coastal Marine Services and Thermcor Inc. received
a shared $15,000,000 to provide hullboard lagging and insulation
services onboard Navy ships and vessels within a 50-mile radius of San
General Dynamics received
$156,596,386 for USS Essex (LHD-2) FY2016 phased maintenance
availability (PMA), which includes the depot-level maintenance,
alterations, and modifications.
General Dynamics received $29,911,907 for USS John Warner (SSN 785) post-delivery work period (PDWP).
Konecranes Nuclear Equipment & Services received $67,369,570 for four 25-ton portal cranes at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility.
BAE Systems received
$7,857,528 for computer programming and engineering services for
integration & installation; advanced operator control device,
computer maintenance tool and AN/UYQ-70 technician peripheral support; and MK 92 engineering, technical and computer programming support for USN (60%), Japan (20%), and Australia (20%).
General Dynamics received
$139,406,130 for additional lead yard services, development studies,
and design efforts on Virginia Class subs (including technology
insertion, throughout construction and post shakedown availability).
General Dynamics received $28,654,287 for concept design and hardware for the Sea Dragon development program.
General Dynamics received
$14,962,807 for R Fixture rotisserie fixtures and missile tube
transportation/storage fixtures in support of U.S./U.K. first article
quad pack construction schedule for Ohio replacement program and U.K.
General Dynamics received $12,771,785 for onboard repair parts (to be loaded onto the Virginia class boat upon delivery).
General Dynamics received $10,501,342 for nitrogen and air flasks manufacture and shipset acquisition in support of Ohio replacement and U.K. Successor.
Lockheed Martin received $9,500,548 to procure five AN/BVY-1 Integrated Submarine Imaging Systems (ISIS) and associated spare parts.
Lockheed Martin received $10,848,978 for engineering and production of Acoustic Rapid Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Insertion (A-RCI) system.
Lockheed Martin received
$21,052,229 for long lead material for two Virginia-class modernization
systems & spares; one Seawolf-class production system & spares;
two fleet ballistic missile sub system spares; and engineering
development models in support of acoustic rapid commercial-off-the-shelf
technical insertion (A-RCI).
L-3 KEO received $12,038,714 for production of 16 Universal Modular Masts (UMM). 74% of work in Bologna, Italy.
Northrop Grumman received
$25,624,032 to provide support for: technical engineering services;
design & development engineering; component and full scale test/eval
engineering; and tactical underwater launcher hardware production. This
supports Common Missile Compartment (CMC) production. This was a sole-source acquisition, per 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(1) & (4).
BAE Systems received $9,390,203 for system engineering documentation, repair support, and field engineering on Guided Missiles Launching System MK 13 and MK 26 missile launching systems. FMS to Taiwan (40%); Australia (20%); Poland (20%); Chile (10%); Egypt (5%); and Japan (5%).
BAE Systems received $38,226,066 for FY2016 MK 41
canister production (80 MK 14 MOD 2 canisters, 134 MK 14 MOD 1
upgrades, 4 MK 25 MOD 0 canisters, and 101 MK 21 MOD 3 canisters with
associated coding plug assemblies, explosive bolts, and impulse
cartridge assemblies) for U.S. Navy (97%), Thailand (3%).
BAE Systems received
$75,320,272 for man-hours (up to 1,075,200) of technical and
engineering services (system integration, installation testing &
eval, logistics, repair & validation, training, lab maintenance,
quality assurance) in support of NAWCAD Combat Integration & Identification Systems Division ($69,294,896; 92%), Australia ($564,533; 0.75%), Japan ($188,178; 0.25%), and Lockheed Martin (via commercial services agreement, $5,272,665; 7%).
Boeing received
$13,381,495 for design agent and technical engineering services on
AN/USQ-82(V) Gigabit Ethernet Data Multiplex Systems (GEDMS) for USN
(91%); Australia (3%); South Korea (3%); Japan (3%).
Carahsoft Technology received
$14,175,093 to renew existing VMware software maintenance and new
VMware software licenses. This is supported by a brand name limited
source justification, per FAR 8.405-6(b).
Coherent Technical Services Inc. received
$49,508,038 for technical and engineering services in support of the
NAWCAD Combat Integration & Identification Systems Division for U.S.
Navy ($49,409,022; 99.8%); Japan ($24,754; .05%); South Korea ($24,754; .05%); Norway ($24,754; .05%); and Australia ($24,754; .05%).
DRS Laurel Technologies Inc. received
$10,485,711 for AN/USQ-82(V) Gigabit Ethernet Data Multiplex System
(GEDMS) program. DRS Laurel Technologies Inc. will provide GEDMS
Shipsets, maintenance support kits, on-board repair parts, and
installation and checkout replenishment kits for DDGs 67, 70, 72, and
General Dynamics received
$47,396,875 for services supporting NAWCAD Ship & Air Integrated
Warfare Department. This was non-competitive [10 U.S.C. 2304(c) (1)].
General Dynamics received $12,868,497 for AN/USC-61(C) digital modular radios (DMR), initial sparing components, and associated supplies & services.
Honeywell received $38,941,344 for three configurations of ring laser gyros used in AN/WSN-7(V) navigation system. Sole-source, per 10 U.S.C. 2304 (c)(1).
Huntington Ingalls Inc. received $116,813,059 for long lead-time material and advance construction activities on LPD 28, Amphibious Transport Dock Ship class. This was procured non-competitively, per FAR subpart 6.302-1(a)(ii).
L-3 received $21,094,107 for service life extension program (SLEP) of three LCAC at Assault Craft Unit Five (ACU 5), Camp Pendleton. L-3 received $7,843,985 for SLEP of one LCAC at ACU 4, Virginia Beach, VA.
MLSUSA Corp. received
$10,000,000 for husbanding support services (trash removal, potable
water, tug boat assistance, wastewater removal) to U.S. vessels and
units across USA’s East Coast. This is non-competitive, per FAR 6.302-1
and 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(1).
MTG Services Inc. received $38,689,255 for engineering and technical support services for U.S. NAVAIR Lakehurst, Support Equipment Engineering Division ($38,539,255; 99.8%); Kuwait ($75,000; 0.1%); and Malaysia ($75,000; 0.1%).
Raytheon received
$20,896,246 for operations and maintenance services for the relocatable
over-the-horizon radar system in support of U.S. Navy Forces
Surveillance Support Center (FSSC), Chesapeake, VA.
Systems Application & Technologies Inc. received $22,733,501 for maintenance and operations of aerial and seaborne target assets and associated equipment.
Textron received $174,012,150 to build LCAC 104 through 108 and their associated technical manuals under the Ship to Shore Connector (SSC).
Trabus Technologies Inc. received
$7,419,653 for technical services in airborne communications &
networking; engineering; technical & programmatic services for comms
and networking systems; and associated certification & information
assurance for Space & Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific, San
Diego, CA.
Agile Defense Inc. received $7,376,489 for Network Control and Livelink/SharePoint support services at Los Angeles AFB.
Aleut O&M Services received $395,000,000 for Cape Canaveral launch operations and infrastructure support.
InDyne Inc. received $10,457,795 to extend infrastructure operations and maintenance services at Cape Canaveral AFS and several annexes.
Integrity Applications Inc. (PDS) received
$17,915,769 for R&D on electro-optical space situational awareness
systems, components and integration. Integrity Applications Inc. (PDS)
then received
$9,939,536 for R&D on electro-optical space situational awareness
system technologies intended to advance satellite custody and
characterization (imaging, detection, acquisition, and tracking).
Lockheed Martin received $93,400,000 for: Trident II
Inertial Navigation Subsystem (INS) design; continued development of
technology refresh efforts for Shipboard Systems Integration (SSI)
Increment 8 and SSI Increment 13; delivery of eight INS, and various
test plans & reports for INS, gyroscope, modeling & simulation
efforts; hardware/software design and temporary alterations all required
for subsequent validation of performance at-sea; integration of the
Electrostatically Supported Gyro Navigator-Replacement into the
navigation subsystem; initiation of production leading to SSI Increment 8
initial operational capability; and Multi-Star Enhanced Prelaunch
tasks. Sole-source, per 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) & (4).
Northrop Grumman received $18,899,927 for on-orbit operations and sustainment for the Space Tracking & Surveillance System.
Raytheon received $20,618,850 for GPS Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing Service (GPNTS).
Space Coast Launch Services received $11,040,671 for launch operations support to 45th Space Wing at Cape Canaveral AFS. Sole-source.
United Launch Services received
$41,894,000 for GPS III-02/ Wideband Global Satellite Communications
(WGS)-10 Mission Swap. ULS will provide a Delta IV (5,4) launch vehicle
with required hardware modifications, replacements, etc. for WGS-10
Mission in place of the GPS III-02 Mission.
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. received $47,900,000 and SiCore Technologies Inc. received
$47,900,000 for work on the Avionics Vulnerability Assessment,
Mitigations, and Protections (AVAMP) program. Ball will try to identify
susceptibilities and mitigate vulnerabilities in USAF weapon systems,
and protect systems against cyber-attack.
Bowhead received $9,786,020 for IT support to Rock Island Arsenal network command.
CDW Government received $30,058,075 for 27,961 general-purpose laptops to support the Next Generation Enterprise Network Computer Refresh.
Envistacom LLC received
$90,000,000 to provide capability to identify adversaries and
effectively link that identity to other information for DOD, coalition
and regional partners. One bid solicited, one received.
Mantech received $16,683,388 for test and engineering services at Fort Huachuca. One bid solicited, one received.
Modern Technology Solutions Inc. (MTSI) received $63,799,786 to support distributed digital simulation.
Northrop Grumman received $54,490,422 for Airborne Signals Intelligence Payload (ASIP) Increment 2 - Build A program.
Raytheon received $7,727,621 for an engineering change on the VINSON/ANDVT Cryptographic Modernization (VACM) program.
Thales Communications Inc. received $10,268,384 for radio and watt amplifier systems. This was sole-source, per 10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1).
Turner Construction Co. received $106,674,440 to design and build an academic building for Cyber Security Studies at U.S. Naval Academy.
Martin; BAE Systems; General Dynamics; Northrop Grumman; Aeroflex
Colorado Springs Inc.; Raytheon; Boeing; and Honeywell received unspecified billions for Advanced Technology Support Program IV [(ATSP4) (PDF)],
which is designed to resolve problems with obsolete, unreliable,
unmaintainable, or underperforming electronics hardware & software
through developing advanced technology insertions and applications to
meet DOD requirements for a quick reaction capability.
Aerojet Rocketdyne Inc. received $18,839,314 and Orbital ATK received
$17,782,960 for qualifying insensitive munitions propulsion systems and
integration/test support required for component and system
qualification testing Guided MLRS.
AIC Corp. received $22,598,620 for systems and computer resources support at Redstone Arsenal.
Boeing received $14,000,000 for research, analysis, engineering and development of specialized munitions.
Boeing received
$325,821,749 for 15,000 (lot 20) JDAM tailkits. This includes support:
technical task management, non-warranty evaluation, and fielding.
Engineering Research & Consulting received $44,121,689 for missile and sensor test support for Redstone Test Center. One bid solicited, one received.
General Dynamics received $35,788,624 for 120mm: M1002 cartridges, M865 recapitalized cartridges, and tank training ammunition.
Lockheed Martin received $116,820,526 for JASSM production, system upgrades, integration, sustainment, management and logistical support.
Lockheed Martin received
$73,015,100 for 64 1-pack PATRIOT Missile Segment Enhancement missiles
and 64 Cost Reduction Initiative missiles. This was initially reported
as an FMS contract on 11 March 2016, but a correction was issued on 24 March 2016.
Lockheed Martin received $25,853,156 for 7,365 Enhanced Laser Guided Training Round (ELGTR) BDU-59B/B units and 2,455 units for production support of metal containers for U.S. Navy ELGTR.
Lockheed Martin received $14,000,000 for research, analysis, engineering, development of specialized munitions.
Northrup Grumman received $71,070,074 for hardware/services to field rocket, artillery & mortar warn capability to brigade combat teams.
Orbital ATK received
$30,884,661 for 120mm M1002 new production cartridges, and 120mm M865
recapitalized cartridges, for 120mm tank training ammunition.
Parsons Government Services received
$63,226,099 for TEAMS Warfighter Integration Support (definition,
planning, deployment, life-cycle management, operations support,
readiness, situational awareness and transition of MDA-developed
capabilities to military services) required for Warfighter Strategic
Integration Directorate and includes three operational elements within
the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS), Aegis BMD, Ground-based Midcourse Defense, and sensors.
Raytheon received $9,900,000 for R&D, analysis, and engineering of specialized munitions.
Raytheon received $11,047,590 for circuit card assemblies. This is a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1).
Raytheon received
$23,753,644 for electronic equipment unit modification kits and
obsolescence mitigation for Missile Defense Agency, Huntsville, AL.
Raytheon received $37,615,875 for SM-2 and SM-6
engineering and technical services to ensure continuity in production,
design integrity, and total systems integration of the missile round and
its components.
Raytheon received $573,031,316 for AMRAAM production Lot 30 and other AMRAAM system items.
Sierra Nevada Corp. received
$12,500,000 for standoff precision guided munitions and precision
strike system components to support existing and new platforms and
employments. This is a sole-source acquisition.
Dewberry Consultants received $12,500,000 for architectural and engineering services for photogrammetric and LiDAR surveying and mapping. GRW Engineers Inc. received $12,500,000 for architectural and engineering services for photogrammetric and LiDAR surveying and mapping. Towill Inc. received $12,500,000 for photogrammetric and LiDAR surveying and mapping for USACE.
WMR-532 LLC received
$10,000,000 for operation, maintenance and technical support for USACE
and Joint Airborne Lidar Bathmetry Technical Center of Expertise.
Harris (Exelis Inc.) received
$18,514,372 to procure and support Transmitting Set, Countermeasures
AN/PLT-4, which is a man-portable system in support of the Joint Service
EOD Counter Radio Controlled IED Electronic Warfare program.
Sierra Nevada Corp. received $29,463,750 for procurement and support of transmitting set, countermeasures AN/PLT-5 to support EOD personnel.
General Dynamics received $549,874,060 for Stryker program supply. One bid solicited, one received.
IBIS TEK LLC received $10,034,203 for 58-gallon and 78-gallon armor B-kits for the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV).
Kalmar RT Center received $8,077,989 for replacement parts for multiple weapon systems, aircraft and equipment. Sole-source, per 10 U.S.C. 2304 (c)(1).
Oshkosh received
$197,233,218 for recapitalized Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Trucks
M985A4 (91); M984A4 (91); M978A4 (91); M983A4 (147); M1120A4 (189); and
M984A4 Self-Recovery Winch (91). Oshkosh received $135,640,533 for recapitalized palletized load systems M1074A1 (65); M1075A1 (226); and M1076A0 trailers (345). Oshkosh received $100,459,551 for recapitalized palletized load systems M1074A0 to M1075A1 conversion.
Oshkosh received
$243,767,232 for 657 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles; 25 trailers; 2,977
kits; 12 months of system engineering & program management; test
support; 175-test hardware; and 1 technical data package.
Raytheon received
$56,713,565 to engineer, manufacture, and deliver B-Kits for 3G FLIR.
B-Kits consist of components to be integrated on sights of ground
vehicles. Raytheon received $26,776,083 and DRS Network & Imaging Systems received
$26,103,645 to design, develop, fabricate and qualify a production
Dewar cooler bench to improve U.S. Army’s existing 3G FLIR sensor
Heckler & Koch received $44,500,000 for Compact Semi-Automatic Sniper System spare parts, training, and government purpose rights.
Olin Corp. received $30,344,463 for 5.56mm, 7.62mm, and .50-caliber ammo.
Orbital ATK and Chemring Military Products received $750,000,000 for non-standard ammunition and non-standard mortar weapon systems. (Potential FMS).
Pyrotechnique by Grucci Inc. received $58,948,537 for M115A2 ground burst projectile simulators and the M116A1 hand grenade simulators.
Vingtech LLC and Wilcox Industries received $151,800,000 for Grenadier Sighting System for M320/M320A1 grenade launcher.
DRS Systems received $41,500,000 for thermal receiver units, A-Kit spares, B-Kit spares, repairs/refurbishment, engineering and technical services. One bid solicited, one received.
API, LLC received $11,953,600 for various Army coats.
Pentaq Manufacturing Corp. received $27,133,220 for various military coats.
Romo Production Inc. received $7,153,500 for running suit jackets.
Short Bark Industries Inc. received $24,164,500 for various types of ACU coats.
Tullahoma Industries received $25,482,000 for four types of Army trousers.
Wolverine World Wide received $7,209,521 for USMC boots.
Aviation Training Consulting received $22,432,164 for operations, maintenance, and sustainment of B-52 training systems at Barksdale, Minot, and Altus AFB.
Camber Corp.; Carley Corp.; Sonalysts; Cape Henry Associates; General Dynamics; and Logistic Services International received $74,883,606 for curriculum analyses and planning services supporting NETC Naval Training Products & Services Program.
Cole Engineering Services Inc. received $67,320,000 for Air Force Modeling & Simulation Training Toolkit program.
Creek Technologies Co.; General Dynamics; Digital Consulting Services; DeVine Consulting Inc.; and MAC Consulting Services received a shared $87,996,380 to provide Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) with various teaching, research and subject matter experts.
Creek Technologies received
$12,129,445 for teaching, course development, and subject matter
experts for Center for Homeland Defense & Security programs at NPS.
Flight Safety Services Corp. received
$8,986,121 for a five-month extension of C-5 aircrew training services
at Dover AFB, Joint Base San Antonio Lackland, Travis AFB, and Westover
Air Reserve Base.
Harkins Builders Inc. received $24,385,470 for design and construction of the Academic Instruction Facility at Quantico.
Northrop Grumman received $30,575,449 for Mission Command Training Center (MTC), Fort Hood and supporting installations.
Pinnacle Solutions Inc. received $14,743,219 to support KC-10 training system (maintenance and aircrew personnel continuous training) at AMC, AFRC, and AETC.
Leidos Inc. received $9,828,000 for CBRN analytic, modeling, and survivability studies.
Smiths Detection received $54,000,000 for components and technical support to Pine Bluff Arsenal for producing M8E1 [PDF] protective shelters.
Abacus Technology Corp. received $25,732,228 for C4
services to monitor current networks and ensure security tools and
security patches are implemented across all base systems at Kirtland
AFB. This is a sole-source acquisition.
Leidos Inc. received
$9,295,409 for lifecycle sustainment of physical security/access
control; and C4I systems, in support of NAVFAC Anti-Terrorism/Force
Protection Ashore Program at Navy installations worldwide.
Minuteman Security Solutions received $24,733,713 for Integrated Commercial Intrusion Detection System.
AHNTECH Inc. received $11,127,083; Brad Hall & Associates received $21,260,988; Calumet San Antonio Refining received $36,393,732; Falcon Fuels received $33,789,909; General Petroleum Corp. received $7,976,304; Mansfield Oil Co. received $51,995,101; Pinnacle Petroleum Inc. received $77,588,910; US 21 Inc. received $48,461,748; and VICNRG LLC received $48,335,369 for various types of fuel.
Lancair Corp. received $16,929,938 for jet fuel.
Oil Products ($679,772,036); Phillips 66 ($288,532,242); Placid
Refining Co. ($236,540,076); ExxonMobil ($139,975,090); Petromax
Refining ($138,358,287); Wynnewood Energy ($80,616,340); Lazarus Energy
Holdings ($77,103,071); Alon USA LP ($76,244,250); Hunt Refining Co.
($70,277,447); Tesoro Refining & Marketing ($44,798,997); BP
($43,886,481); Husky Marketing & Supply ($42,645,250); Hermes
Consolidated ($27,844,500); Irving Oil Terminals ($22,687,064); Calumet
Shreveport Fuels ($27,492,500); Sinclair Oil Corp. ($17,620,904); Delek
Refining Ltd. ($16,358,238); World Fuel Services ($15,351,110); Buckeye
Energy Services ($12,344,180) received those funds for various types of fuel.
Texas Power & Associates; Inglett & Stubbs International; Caterpillar; Berger Cummins JV; Atlantic Diving Supply Inc. received a shared $45,000,000 for generator sets.
AbbVie U.S. LLC received
$10,817,927 to provide DOD, Department of Veterans Affairs, Indian
Health Service, and Bureau of Prisons with cholesterol medication.
Barrday Protective Solutions received $8,984,587 for Aramid fabric for the Ambulance Program, Rock Island Joint Manufacturing & Technology Center.
BTF Solutions JV; General Dynamics; Honeywell; VW International; Walsh Healthcare Logistics JV; Martek Global Services Inc.; Omega Group; Partners Healthcare Group LLC; Strategic Initial Outfitting Transition Solutions Anchorage received
a shared $123,750,000 for personnel, equipment, tools, materials,
supervision, and non-personal services to support planning, outfitting,
and transitioning staff and patients.
Center for Disease Detection received
$9,523,915 for HIV, Hepatitis B and C testing services in support of
Department of Navy and USMC as required by Navy Bloodborne Infection
Management Center (NBIMC).
CentralCare Inc. received $9,876,830 for dental support services, Army Medical Command, Western Region. One bid solicited, one received.
GE Datex Ohmeda Inc. received
$19,847,688 for patient monitoring systems, subsystems, accessories,
consumables, spare/repair parts and training. Philips Medical Systems received $77,172,660 for patient monitoring systems, subsystems, accessories, consumables, spare/repair parts and training.
Intercell USA Inc. received $32,488,750 for a supply of the Japanese Encephalitis vaccine. This was a sole-source acquisition, per 10 U.S.C. 2304 (c)(1).
Ka’aki Technologies received
$7,912,366 for scientific, administrative, and logistical services for
the Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. One bid
solicited, one received.
Medline Industries Inc. received $15,000,000 for medical items and accessories.
Pharma Logistics Ltd. and EXP Pharmaceutical Services received $46,159,211 for pharmaceutical reverse distribution program.
Relay Health (division of McKesson Technologies Inc.) received
$139,048,432 to continue providing 11,725 Patient Engagement and
Interoperable Secure Messaging (SM) subscriptions for the Military
Health System (MHS). This was a sole-source acquisition.
Zimmer US Inc. received $380,977,134 for various orthopedic products. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1).
LRAD Corp. received $7,393,775 for MSC Situational Awareness System (SAwS) acoustic hailing device system.
Baker-Tetra Tech JV received
$50,000,000 for design or engineering services (prep studies, plans,
specifications, design documents, reports, cost estimates, engineering)
for multimedia environmental compliance engineering support for USN,
USMC, and other DOD installations and federal agencies worldwide [Navy
Region Japan (10%); Joint Region Marianas (6%); Singapore/Singapore Area
Coordinator (1%); U.S. Naval Forces Korea (1%)].
CDM Federal Programs Corp.; Louis Berger Group; Tetra Tech Inc.; and Abt Associates Inc. received $9,400,000 for quantity water resource analytical and professional support services.
CH2M Hill Inc. received
$8,594,000 for Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
Liability Act munitions response sites investigations, Title II
services, operations and program support services, and community
relations at former Vieques Naval Training Range and Naval Ammunition Support Detachment.
Engineering Concepts Inc. received
$20,000,000 for environmental investigations, permit applications and
related studies at various locations in NAVFAC Pacific [Hawaii (50%);
Guam (25%); Japan (25%)].
Hydrogeologic received $10,000,000 for hazardous, toxic and radioactive waste remediation.
Johnson Controls Government Systems received $186,086,484 for energy improvements at Naval Station Norfolk.
TEC-AECOM Pacific JV received $13,000,000 for architect-engineering services to help prepare National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents and studies at various USN/USMC activities in Pacific Basin & Indian Ocean.
Employment Source Inc. received $15,912,106 for dining facility attendant services at Fort Bragg.
FreshPack Produce received $8,400,000 for fresh fruits and vegetables.
Missouri Department of Social Services received $8,075,004 for full food service at 10 dining facilities at Fort Leonard Wood.
Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitations Services received $16,531,980 for full food service at Fort Sill.
Professional Contract Services received $16,684,734 for food and dining facility attendant services at Fort Hood. One bid solicited, one received.
Interactive Process Technology received
$8,623,205 to provide technical, analytical, and administrative support
services to assist the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD AT&L).
Peridot Solutions received $43,000,000 for program management (PM) support to PM information systems and infrastructure within USMC System Command.
operations (a.k.a. base support services) usually involve a combination
of: facility management & investment, fire & emergency
services, grounds maintenance & landscaping, janitorial services,
pavement clearance, pest control, port operations, utilities, vehicles
& equipment service, and waste management.
Booz Allen Hamilton received
$8,560,211 for technical, analytical, and operational services to
support the nine primary objectives of USMC Installations Command, USMC
Installations Energy & Water Management Program, and USMC HQ
Transportation Services.
Chimes District of Columbia received $12,392,273 for base custodial services at Fort Bragg.
Electronic Metrology Laboratory received $9,857,307 for base operations support services at NAS Whiting Field and outlying fields.
General Dynamics received $8,000,000 for capital maintenance of Navy Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant in Pittsfield, MA.
Indyne Inc. received $46,396,505 for engineering and technical services necessary to operate 96th Test Wing ranges and facilities at Eglin AFB and Wright-Patterson AFB. This is a sole-source acquisition.
Lion-Vallen Industries received
$28,372,680 for logistics services to manage and operate USMC
Consolidated Storage Program warehouse network. This is sole-source, per
10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1), implemented by FAR 6.302-1.
SAP National Security Services received
$17,507,359 for consulting services to U.S. Army’s enterprise resource
planning logistics and financial programs. One bid solicited, one
Scientific Research Corp. (SRC) received
$40,547,844 to provide engineering, technical, administrative, and
analytical support for the test resource management center HQ and
subsequent programs.
Techflow Mission Support LLC received $23,633,164 for base operations support services at Camp Lejeune, MCAS New River, and outlying areas in eastern NC.
Z Systems Corp. received $10,950,219 for global logistics re: transportation motor pool operations.
Accenture Federal Services received $30,727,032 for the General Fund Enterprise Business System financial program.
AsetPartners; Castro & Company; GCS Inc.; IFAS; Immersion Consulting; Potomac Wave Consulting; and Red Rock Government received a shared $75,000,000 for financial management services to Directorate of the Chief Financial Officer, DIA, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling.
CACIL-ISS Inc. received $7,293,182 to support Increment II of the Army Integrated Personnel & Pay System. CACI-ISS Inc. received
$67,247,505 for specialized support to baseline the program cost,
schedule and performance for Increment II of the Army Integrated
Personnel & Pay System.
Defense Engineering Inc. received $50,037,077 for enterprise engineering services support to Joints Service Provider-Pentagon. One bid solicited, one received.
Katami Technical Services received
$9,900,000 for professional business services for the Engineer Research
& Development Center Executive Office and Command Staff
Division. One bid solicited, one received.
Logistics Management Institute received $51,625,305 for program management office support. One bid solicited, one received.
NetCentrics Corp. received $13,100,000 to obtain IT operations front office support for Office of the Secretary of Defense, WHS, WHS supported organizations, and Pentagon Force Protection Agency.
Qualx Corp. received
$8,455,241 to provide records management support services to include
development of a governance strategy and document conversion from
paper-based to electronic enterprise content management.
Sysorex Government Services Inc. [PDF]; OBXtek Inc. received
$461,000,000 for program management services for PEO Enterprise
Information Systems headquarters, directorates, project/product offices
and related organizations.
Technica LLC received $14,282,213 for logistics readiness support for the 63d Regional Support Command.
Environmental Associates; Hydrogeologic Inc.; NorthWind; EA
Engineering, Science, & Technology; Aerostar SES LLC; Oneida Total
Integrated Enterprises; and Trihydro Corp. received
$500,000,000 for architect-engineering (A-E) 2013 environmental
services to support operations and maintenance; environmental
restoration account; environmental compliance; BRAC; and Military Family
Housing programs worldwide.
HDR Engineering Inc. received
$12,000,000 for engineering and architectural design and planning
services to support civil works, military, and international and
interagency services projects.
Brayman Construction received $9,997,962 for Bluestone Dam safety assurance.
G&G Steel Inc. received $7,131,795 to fabricate and deliver lock miter gates and spare parts for lock and dams on the Mississippi River.
H&L Contracting received $37,595,900 for the Long Beach coastal storm risk management project in Nassau County, NY.
Norfolk Southern Railway received
$17,740,000 for temporary removal, relocation and permanent placement
of Alabama Great Southern Railroad tracks and flagging services. One bid
solicited, one received.
Voith Hydro Inc. received $47,671,169 to install new turbines and rewind main generators #1 and #2 in Burbank, WA.
Engineering Design Technologies Inc. received $16,355,240 for design and repair to airfield storm drainage systems at Barksdale AFB.
Head Inc./Ballew, JV received $24,684,023 for airfield repair at NAS Corpus Christi.
- C. Construction Co. received $9,374,906 to repair C-17 landing zone (3,500 ft.) at North Auxiliary Airfield, Joint Base Charleston.
Allied Pacific Builders; Environet Inc.; Hako Plumbing; Heartwood Pacific; Raass Brothers; TOMCO Corp. received a shared $245,000,000 for construction projects located primarily within NAVFAC Hawaii.
Bethel-Webcor JV-1 received $69,994,276 to design and build a communication information system (CIS) operations complex at Camp Pendleton.
Remy Architects; GCAG – SCG JV; KZF Design Inc.; Luckett & Farley
Architects, Engineers & Construction Managers; MOCA Systems Inc.;
STOA International/Florida Inc.; and Waller, Todd & Sadler
Architects received
a shared $950,000,000 for design and construction services to support
sustainment, restoration and modernization (SRM) programs. Work includes
Title I, Title II, and other A-E services to administer, coordinate,
and technically support the Air Force Civil Engineer's SRM program
CH2M Hill Inc. received
$9,000,000 for architectural and engineering services within Great
Lakes & Ohio River mission boundaries of the USACE. CH2M Hill Inc. received
$9,000,000 for architectural and engineering services within the Corps
of Engineers Great Lakes and Ohio River mission boundaries.
Crew MW III received
$49,000,000 for base engineering & construction (maintenance,
repair, alteration, demolition, painting, utilities, paving) at Seymour
Johnson AFB, Fort Fisher, and Dare County Bomb Range.
Con/South Bay JV; KKP Electrical Contractors; NEI Contracting &
Engineering; Procal Electric Inc.; and Synergy Electric Co. received
a combined $99,000,000 for new construction, repair, and renovation of
dry utilities construction projects at various locations within NAVFAC
Harper Construction Co. received
$12,488,749 to repair Bachelor Enlisted Quarter Building 779,
Quarterdeck 778, and Bachelor Enlisted Quarter Building 780 at Naval
Base Coronado.
HDR Architecture Inc. received $30,000,000 for large multi-discipline construction projects in NAVFAC Southwest.
J.W. Clark Enterprises Inc. received $75,000,000 for maintenance, repair, and construction work at Joint Base Langley Eustis.
Marsh Development Inc.; Pacificspan/E JV LLC; Gideon USA Arizona LLC; and BGI-GCON JV LLC received
a shared $45,000,000 for construction services, equipment, and material
to execute maintenance, repair and design projects at Davis-Monthan
Northcon Inc. received $8,000,000 for maintenance, repair, upgrade and construction of real Army and civil real property facilities.
Phillips Hardy received $13,490,330 for work that includes dewatering, rock removal and channel shaping of Turkey Creek, Kansas City, KS.
Purcell Construction Corp. received $18,589,750 to design and build a new multi-story USMC bachelor enlisted quarters at Naval Weapons Station Yorktown.
Structural Associates Inc. received $20,117,794 to build an Army Reserve Center in Mattydale, NY.
Tehama LLC and HDR JV received $15,830,319 for Tinker AFB Civil Engineering Directorate engineering management services.
Trumbull Corp./Brayman Construction Corp. received $7,650,000 for shaft repairs in Monesson, PA.
TsiCorp. received
$9,412,687 for computer aided design/drafting operations, engineering
design support, maintenance services, HVAC technical support, and heavy
equipment operations.
Watermark Environmental Inc. received $13,216,283 to design and build an indoor dynamic range at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story.
Whitman, Requardt & Associates; HDR Inc.; URS Group Inc.; and Jacobs Government Services received $15,000,000 for multi-discipline architectural engineering services.
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock received $14,115,011 to refill beach areas, repair dune crossovers and dune grass along the New Jersey coast.
H & L Contracting received $37,595,900 for Long Beach coastal storm risk management project.
# # # #
*Editing consolidated similar contracts. Italics indicate notes from the editor.
clerical errors are the editor’s alone. Each month, Boiling Frogs Post
presents a distillation of the previous month’s DOD Contracts. Check
back regularly.
***To avoid competitive bidding, DOD invokes 10 U.S.C. 2304, FAR 6.302, and FAR 8.405-6. DOD uses 15 U.S.C. 638 to avoid competitive bidding when dealing with small businesses. DOD uses CFR 206.302-4 to avoid competitive bidding when dealing with treaties and foreign transactions.
Christian Sorensen, a BFP Contributing Author & Analyst, is a U.S. military veteran and Arabic translator.
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