Naughteeis Speaks: 1 Obummer acknowledged “We did some things that were
wrong.” & “We tortured some folks.”Oh Really! This Rant is a oldie but goody; I was in a really foul mood that day. Well anyway here it is again from the past. Sept.27, 2014
Obummer says, "We just tortured some
folks!" All Casual Like That? I didn't watch his speech at the UN, I can only bare to read him. Just the sight of him makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck when I have to watch him. That's not a recent phenomena, it's been like that for quite a while now. Ever since he sold us out on Single Payer Universal Health Care, instead we got ripped off as usual, this time in the form of that bogus For Profit Healthcare,aka (ObummerCare) I haven't talked to anyone who had Healthcare before ObummerCare that their premiums didn't go up about 25 to 30%. Yes the per-existing conditions previously uninsured are now able to get insurance, and that's a good thing. For those low income per-existing probably made out the best. In my not so humble opinion everyone would have been better off with Single Payer,or something along the lines of Medicare for All or the way the Veterans Administrations Healthcare works. Private for Profit Healthcare is a ripoff. So back to my original rant. I'm wondering about his talk the other night, did he have that, I killed Bin Laden swagger thing going on? The Obummer Bin Laden Faux, I will get into that at another time. Back to this, "We tortured some folks", give
me a freaken break mr.president. "JUST TORTURED SOME FOLKS" (sic,sadistic and insensitive to say the least) Obummer has said before, "We are going
to bomb some folks and give some other folks some more weapons." #WTF is
Cheech and Chong writing this guys speeches again? This is absolutely disgusting and ridiculous and typical Obummer double-speak. His foreign
policies are like a schizophrenic game of whack a mole. I'm curious to know when Obummer had
his eyes propped open by the CIA, like in Clockwork Orange and was shown the Zapruder Film; because this guy is just Craven - Weak Kneed!, he has absolutely No Moxey or Game at all to stand up to the tyrannical
Neo-Cons & Neo Liberal Interventionists who are leftovers from the Little Bush and Darth-Cheney Era
that still run the three ring circus in Washington's Culture of Spectacle, Fraud, Corruption and Abuse of Power. Obummer makes good decent folks want to heave to and WEEP.
I'm afraid Clinton II is going to be just as bad, if not worse. And last but not least, A- Holes in Washington; "We the People," want to know who the hell those people are that have been doing all this freaken torture business and we want all the names and who authorized it....We want to see the Senate Torture Report released, like pronto and not all redacted and incomprehensible and useless. WE want it and WE want it NOW!! Now that we know beyond a reasonable doubt about these barbaric horrendous techniques, including anal probes, we want to see some prosecutions of these animals or Impeachment Proceedings should start against you mr. president for refusing to prosecute and for dereliction of duty. Until we have a well funded Third Party Movement in this county, I'm afraid nothing meaningful will change, we will keep going from twiddle dee to twiddle dumber over and over again.
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