#TTP Why not Call Senator Wyden tomorrow and ask him to oppose Fast Track for the TPP! (202) 224-5244 and (503) 326-7525
news. WikiLeaks just released the full text of the secret Trans-Pacific
Partnership (TPP) chapter on “Investor State Dispute Settlement.”1
It’s terrifying. The TPP is even worse than we thought. The leaked
chapter shows how the TPP would set up a shadowy international “court
system” that would have no accountability to the public.2
is exactly the type of system that the forces pushing for Internet
censorship and extremist copyright provisions want to have in place so
they can push their unpopular agenda in secret. We have to stop it.
now, all of this is in the hands of U.S. Senator Ron Wyden. What he
does in the coming days will affect the future of the Internet for
generations to come. We need to pull out all the stops to make sure he
hears us.
We need to flood Senator Wyden's office with phone calls TODAY, before it's too late. Can
you call both his offices right now and ask his staff directly if
they've read the latest leaked TPP text? Then ask him to be a hero for
the Internet and oppose Fast Track!
Here's the numbers: (202) 224-5244 and (503) 326-7525
Can't call? Click here to tweet directly at Senator Wyden and ask if he's seen the latest TPP text! Here's the numbers: (202) 224-5244 and (503) 326-7525
same lobbyists that brought us bills like SOPA have been using this
backroom trade negotiation process to advance their extremist copyright
policy agenda for years.3 The USTR, who are responsible for
negotiating these agreements, are one of the worst examples of a
“revolving door” agency, where bureaucrats who used to be lobbyists get
to set policy that benefits their own industries and lines their own
pockets, all at the expense of the general public.
time we put an end to this secretive abuse of our democratic process.
Senator Ron Wyden claims to be a proponent of government transparency.
He’s never had a better chance to prove it.
Call Senator Wyden right now and ask him to oppose Fast Track for the TPP! (202) 224-5244 and (503) 326-7525
call? Click here to tweet Senator Ron Wyden a question about the latest
TPP text and ask him to oppose Fast Track and stop Internet censorship!Call Senator Wyden right now and ask him to oppose Fast Track for the TPP! (202) 224-5244 and (503) 326-7525
free to use our pre-filled tweet, or write your own. Whether you call
or tweet, be polite, but firm. We need to convince Senator Wyden to do
the right thing.
More on this soon. This fight is heating up and we’re glad to have you on the team.
-Evan at Fight for the Future
P.S. On Monday,
we’re bringing our message straight to Capitol Hill when we play our
viral #WydenBlimp video on a giant Jumbotron! We want to play 30-second
webcam videos from supporters too asking Senator Wyden to oppose Fast
Track for the TPP. Submit a video to be played on the jumbotron here!
[1] WikiLeaks, “Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Investment Chapter.”
[2] New York Times, “Trans-Pacific Partnership seen as door for foreign suits against US.”
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