Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Naughteeis Speaks about Obummer The Drone King and the "Commuted Jail Sentence" of Chelsea Manning, but not "Pardoned"

Chelsea Manning - Wikipedia

I just had a sleepless night thinking about Obummer the Drone Kings commuted jail sentence of Manning. Manning wasn't given a full pardon or released immediately, and must endure incarceration until May. Mannings Federal Jail Sentence; he has already served seven years of a thirty five year Federal Jail sentence and would be eligible for parole next year. Obummer in the last eight years has shown very little or no inclination for mercy, compassion or leniency for those whistle blowers that were bold or naive enough to present inconvenient truths to the public about the US government, the Bad Machine, and the Deep States war crimes, combined with the most recent revelations of DNC corruption and Crooked Hillarys rigging of the Primary's against ol spineless Judas Goat Bernie. Those who have been persecuted, tortured, prosecuted and jailed under the obummer watch, Manning has received the most harsh treatment to date. If you recall last month Assange made a statement to the effect that if Manning was pardoned he would allow extradition back to Sweden knowing that Sweden in all probability would then allow the US in turn to extradite Assange back to the US, where he would surely stand trial associated with the charges from 1917 Espionage Act. The high stakes political poker game between Assange and Obummer just got real with those words of choose and semantics, Commuted Jail Sentence vs. Full Pardon.  Assange is the big fish who really humiliated the Obummer Regime, the Deep State, Crooked Hillary and the DNC, so they really would like to get their hands on Assange. Obummer didn't pardon Manning and only committed Mannings jail sentence with seven years served.  A full pardon and immediate release never came to pass. Assange may have been bluffing, but we will never know for sure. One thing for sure is Assange isn't naive or dumb enough to leave the Ecuadorean Embassy and allow extradition to Sweden. Technically Assange is off the hook from his statement to allow extradition if Manning was pardoned, because he wasn't pardoned he was only given commuted jail sentence not a full pardon and immediate release. Assange knowing that if the US gets their hands on him, he in all likelihood would be tortured even worse than Manning and then after being convicted for espionage, would probably be given the death penalty. Assange is bold and has great courage and integrity, but I don't see him as someone who has a death wish.

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