Monday, August 29, 2016

Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them? By Paul Craig Roberts #war #tyranny #imperialism
Aug. 29 2016 article/ #Hillary and the Clinton Foundation: Exemplars of America’s Political Rot  #war #tyranny #imperialism #2PartyJoke #Demexit #HillaryForPrison  

The #TwoPartyJoke is Washington's Spectacle of #Liars #Fraudsters #war #tyranny #imperialism #torture #DeepPoliceState #NDAA #AbuseOfPower

We must view Dims & Repugnitrons as antagonistic 2 genuine reform & 2 speak 2 them in the language of Revolution ...

Both Major Party's Embrace #war #tyranny #imperialism #torture What Wolin calls #invertedtotalitarianism … …Sheldon Wolin  political theorist and writer on contemporary politics lived 33miles from me, died at the age of 93. I should be so lucky

A poor child asked me the other day what a #Repugnitron was?So I took away most of his toys and gave them to the rich kids on the next block

2 Party Big Tent,where Debate is Narrow & Limited 2 what they want U 2 think & say,leave the Big Tent & the Morlocks will come take ya away …

boo bernie bad dog Bogus #Bernie #Sanders ‘OR’ Revolution: a Statement or a Question? by Jack Rasmus #2PartyJoke #DemExit Bogus Bernie is a #JudasGoat 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

LOL,Roaming Charges: Bernie’s Used Cars by Jeffrey St. Clair Bogus #bernie the #JudasGoat of the #2PartyJoke #DemExit
Crisis and Opportunity by Rob Urie #DCs #Spectacle of  #Fraud #war #tyranny #imperialism #2PartyJoke  #Demexit
LOL, excellent/ How Donald #Trump Can Still be a Hero: Force the Guardians of the Duopoly to Open Up the Debates by Andrew Levine
I have a VA Choice Card Myself/Making America Pain-Free for Plutocrats and Big Pharma, But Not Vets By Ann Jones

Not all Vets have or get a chance or choice to use the VA Choice Card Program. I have a VA Choice Card Program Card myself and I have been using it for two years, it's been my choice, and I have had over six Specialty Clinic Procedures done on that cards program, three of which were done in the last three months all done with Private Sector Healthcare Providers with the VA Choice Card Program picking up the bill. When you urgently need care and you need it NOW and not at some later date when VA gets around to doing it, VA Choice Card Program is the only way to go. I like it very very much and prefer it over dealing with some of the short comings at VA and some of the attitudes and bed side manner problems I have encountered in the past with some VA staff and VA Specialty Clinics in general. I have another procedure with a hospital stay in 30 days coming up on the same VA Choice Card Program with the private sector doing the work, which is going to be way better than having it done at VA. So you do have a choice and I have made mine.