Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Bad Narratives Going Forward in the Age of #Trump by #PaulStreet   #RealLeftPolitics 

I like Paul Street's work and he is a favorite of mine, but I can only get on board with about 75% of this rant.

I have started to feel that living in cognitive dissonance and retreating to personal affairs and disconnecting from politics and all media is perhaps the way to go. Paul Street thinks otherwise.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

5min "Trump's appointments show he is a Globalist Elitist" by #VikingPreparedness
13min Revolution, Civil War II and YOU by #VikingPreparedness
“Fake News” and the “Conspiracy to Shut down Truth”, Donald #Trump, and the American People By #Dr.PaulCraigRoberts #HillaryForPrison
U.S. Foreign Policy and the Electoral College Vote. Towards a December 19 Surprise? By #ProfMichelChossudovsky #HillaryForPrison #FeelTheBurn #Demexit #PizzaGate
The Structural Legacy of Capitalist Democracies Broken Promises by #JamesPetras #obummer #obummerTheDroneKing
The Democratic Party Allies with the CIA by #ReneeParsons
Lack of Evidence Doesn’t Deter Washington Post’s Russia Smears by #MattPeppe
Alternative Media Should Prepare to Become Targets of Covert Cyber Warfare #KurtNimmo via #Newsbud

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Empire Has No Clothes: Trump’s Class War Cabinet, the F-Word, and the Coming Resistance by #PaulStreet

Paul Street and Craig Paul Roberts are some of my favorite writers, but I never agree with anyone 100% of the time, I rarely agree more than 80% with anyone or anything, including Paul Street, and Craig Paul Roberts