Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Why co-ops are the future of the American economy | Al Jazeera America

Why co-ops are the future of the American economy The only way a true ownership society makes sense today is if individual workers own a slice of the businesses they work for. on twitter

 Naughteeis Speaks: We don't know what it is, but we know something is going on. It's frustrating when we don't understand what's going on in the world we live in, when everything around us just keeps getting worse and worse. I believe the answers for "We the People"are not going to come from electoral politics. Washington's culture of fraud and abuse of power are just too corrupted and great. A few people with good intentions, sometimes, but mostly not; people go to Washington with high ideals and truly want to represent us and to solve problems only to be swallowed up by the vortex of Washington's spectacle of fraud, corruption and abuse of power; then they become the problem. Why we keep electing these millionaires to go to Congress to represent us is beyond my comprehension? It seems like we never learn anything from the folly we bring upon ourselves and we are totally disappointed by the results in Washington over and over again. First you have to know your enemy and the enemy is our own willful ignorance or denial to understand the problem. The institutions that once served us fairly well since the New Deal of FDR no longer do. Top down solutions like crony capitalism are simply just not working for most of us. Outsourcing of jobs overseas by Corporate America has destroyed the Middle Class. We must do an end run around these institutions that no longer serve us and create new ones from the bottom up that will and do work for us. Some solutions in my opinion are to just go back to basics, some basics would be worker owned Co-opts. The above article Why co-ops are the future of the American economy via  on twitter explains the ins and outs. enjoy 


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